
Diagnostic Description

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(Figs 1-2)

Prionopelta brocha Wilson , 1958: 147.

Type. Holotype worker from Mt. Nou, New Caledonia ( MCZC , examined).

Diagnosis. Anterolateral corners of head, near mandibular insertions, each with a distinct, well developed tooth. Body size large, head width greater than 0.60mm.

Description. Anterolateral corners of head, near mandibular insertions, each with a distinct, well developed tooth. Dorsal pronotal sculpturing small foveae which are only slightly more dense than on the mesonotum and propodeum. Foveae on dorsum of propodeum uniformly distributed across its width. Lateral mesosomal sculpturing consisting of small foveae on pronotum and anterior and ventral region of mesopleuron, dorsal region of mesopleuron and majority of propodeum smooth. Fenestra present within subpetiolar process. Colour pale yellow.

Measurements. Worker (n=3). CI 81-86; HL 0.76-0.78; HW 0.62-0.67; ML 0.95-0.96; PetL 0.33; PetW 0.38-0.39; PI 113-120; SI 66-67; SL 0.41-0.44; T 1W 0.51-0.54.

Material examined. New Caledonia: Mt. Panie (Ward,P.S.) ( ANIC ); Pic d'Amou nr Poindimie (Kuschel,G.) ( ANIC ).

Comments. This species is the only member of the genus known to occur in New Caledonia. It can be immediately recognised by the presence of a large, distinctive tooth near each mandibular insertion. Workers have been found in leaf litter in a moss forest and in a dry, semi-deciduous native forest.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Shattuck, S. O., 2008, Revision of the ant genus Prionopelta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)in the Indo-Pacific region., Zootaxa, pp. 21-34, vol. 1846
Shattuck, S. O.
visit source
partner site
Plazi (legacy text)