Australian freshwater, Duration 8 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Duration 20 seconds, Shot includes Conolophus subcristatus (Galapagos land iguana)
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 11 seconds
Halophila sp. is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Octopus sp. 4 (unidentified long arm octopus). Coral Sea, Shot at night, Duration 19 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 24 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Duration 17 seconds, Shot includes Conolophus subcristatus (Galapagos land iguana)
Australian freshwater, Duration 11 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Duration 13 seconds
Halophila sp. is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Octopus sp. 4 (unidentified long arm octopus). Coral Sea, Shot at night, Duration 13 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Duration 18 seconds, Shot includes Conolophus subcristatus (Galapagos land iguana)
Halophila ovalis is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Chelonia mydas (Green turtle). Coral Sea, Duration 28 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Duration 11 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Duration 14 seconds, Shot includes Conolophus subcristatus (Galapagos land iguana), Creagrus furcatus (Swallowtail gull)
Australian freshwater, Duration 8 seconds
Halophila sp. is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Octopus sp. 4 (unidentified long arm octopus). Coral Sea, Shot at night, Duration 53 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 10 seconds
Syringodium isoetifolium is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Echidna nebulosa (Starry moray). South Pacific Ocean, Duration 17 seconds
Australian freshwater, Duration 7 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Duration 11 seconds
Enhalus acoroides is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Platax teira (Blunthead batfish). Coral Sea, Schooling, Duration 53 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 33 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 39 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 27 seconds
9 Sep 2011, originally collected mid-Aug
Freshwater fish pond in concrete tank, outside Life Science Lab 7. Walls were covered in filamentous cyanobacteria, and the bottom with fish waste. Water was mostly clear.
Pipetted sample from floc at bottom of tube which has settled after > two weeks
Bright-field with closed condenser aperture.
Nikon D7000
Brandon Seah
20830 pixels/mm = 20.8 pixels/µm (40x)