Located in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.Accompanied by my wife Brenda, and my son Anthony Baniaga who's a Phd. student at U of A in Tucson, Arizona. He determined that this Selaginella was eremophila. We were lucky in that it had rained lightly 2 days before our hike. The Selaginella was reponsive to the moisture allowing us to photograph a dense mat of stems , forking branches and small green leaves. The habitat was sandy and rocky allowing good drainage.
Also with Ron Baniaga and lots of mosquitoes.
Located in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.Accompanied by my wife Brenda, and my son Anthony Baniaga who's a Phd. student at U of A in Tucson, Arizona. He determined that this Selaginella was eremophila. We were lucky in that it had rained lightly 2 days before our hike. The Selaginella was reponsive to the moisture allowing us to photograph a dense mat of stems , forking branches and small green leaves. The habitat was sandy and rocky allowing good drainage.
Also with Ron Baniaga and lots of mosquitoes.
Goldback Fern collected from shaded hillside in Marshall Canyon, La Verne, Ca. Scanned.
Located in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.Accompanied by my wife Brenda, and my son Anthony Baniaga who's a Phd. student at U of A in Tucson, Arizona. He determined that this Selaginella was eremophila.We were lucky in that it had rained lightly 2 days before our hike. The Selaginella was reponsive to the moisture allowing us to photograph a dense mat of stems , forking branches and small green leaves. The habitat was sandy and rocky allowing good drainage.
Also with Ron Baniaga and lots of mosquitoes.
Goldback Fern collected from shaded hillside in Marshall Canyon, La Verne, Ca. Scanned.
Located in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.Accompanied by my wife Brenda, and my son Anthony Baniaga who's a Phd. student at U of A in Tucson, Arizona. He determined that this Selaginella was eremophila.We were lucky in that it had rained lightly 2 days before our hike. The Selaginella was reponsive to the moisture allowing us to photograph a dense mat of stems , forking branches and small green leaves. The habitat was sandy and rocky allowing good drainage.
recent rain, located on the on the rocky shady slopes of a wash