Stems erect or ascending, simple or branched, four angular, sometimes narrowly winged. Leaves cordate or rounded at the base. Fowers in Two lax 3-many-flowered dichasia. Pedicel 1-2.5 mm and bracteoles minute. Calyx-lobes 0.3 mm, with short appendages. Petals 0-4, Stamens four, equalling the calyx-lobes. Ovary 1-1.2 mm, Globose. Style 0.1-0.3 mm, or stigma sessile. Capsule 1-2 mm. Exceeding the calyx; seeds 0.5 mm, brownish.
Nile Valley North of Nubia at Delta, Libyan Desert Oases, Nubian Desert Oases, Mareotic Sector and North Sinai.
Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, southern Africa, tropical West Africa.
Rice fields, Swamps and Pools.
Height: 15-50(-70) cm.