In captivity
Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus).
Stoleteuthis iris, lateral view of type [31].
Sketch of Deep-Sea Luminous Cuttle-Fish with numerous light-organs.
Sepia tuberculosa (Limarck).
Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis, dorsal view of type [30].
Jammerbugten, Thy
Internal bone of Sepia officinalis.
Stoloteuthis iris, ventral view of type [31[.
Gigantic Cuttle-Fish.
Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis, ventral view of type [30].
L’Aquàrium de Barcelona, Spain
Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus).
L’Aquàrium de Barcelona, Spain
Sepia officinalis L., with mantle cut away to show position of internal shell. (The ends of the tentacular arms are cut off).
Nordsøen, Danmark
Nordsøen, Danmark
Bulbjerg, Thy