Løvenholm Skov
Glatved Strand nord
Have Randers
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Løvenholm Skov
Rugård Sønderskov
Lagrasse Aude France
Mossø Rold Skov
Madum Sø V
Lagrasse Aude France
Tranum Klitplantage
Hevring Hede
Figures 183–188.Habitats and natural history of some Selenops species 183 Selenops bifurcatus Banks on a rock, Zacatan, Guatemala. Note the dorsoventrally flattened habitus 184 Selenops bifurcatus Banks showing the very large PLE 185 Selenops lindborgi Petrunkevitch adult male on Bursera simaruba St. John, United States Virgin Islands. Note the leg annulations 186 Selenops lindborgi Petrunkevitch adult female making several egg sacs under the bark of a tamarind tree, Nevis. Selenops lindborgi makes several egg sacs and does not guard the egg sac, unlike most other species of Selenops 187 Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón-García on a eucalyptus tree, Whitfield Hall, Blue Mountains, Jamaica. Note the striped legs and the festoon pattern at the terminus of the abdomen 188 The egg sac of Selenops wilmotorum sp. n. from Hellshire Hills, Jamaica. The egg sac contained a few yellow dried out eggs and a pseudoscorpion.
Yuri M. Marusik, Francesco Ballarin, Mikhail M. Omelko
Figures 3–8.Left palp of Amaurobius koponeni sp. n. 3 ventral 4, 6–7 prolateral, different aspects showing the shape of the complex dorsal tibial apophysis 5 prolateral 8 dorsal. Abbreviations: Da dorsal tibial apophysis, Em embolus, Ma median apophysis, Ra retrolateral tibial apophysis, Ta tegular apophysis.
Mykola M. Kovblyuk, Zoya A. Kastrygina, Mikhail M. Omelko
Figures 10–14.Females of Haplodrassus bohemicus (10–11 from Rostov Area, 12 from Crimea) and Haplodrassus pugnans (13–14 from Magadan Area): 10, 12–13 epigyne, ventral view 11, 14 epigyne, dorsal view.
Figures 14–22.Scanning electron microscope photographs of Cambalida dippenaarae sp. n.female (14, 15, 17, 20–22) and male (16, 18, 19): 14 dorsal carapace setae 15, 16 eye region and clypeus, anterolateral view 17, 18 cheliceral promarginal bent setae, anterior view 19 chelicera, ventral view 20 mouthparts, ventral view 21 serrula 22 sternum.
Figures 31–36.Scanning electron microscope photographs of Copa flavoplumosa Simon, 1885 male (31) and female (32–36): 31 femur I, erect ventral setae 32 patella II, indicating patellar indentation (PI) 33 same, detail of lyriform organ at proximal end of PI 34 patella II, arrows indicating proximal and distal dorsal patellar setae 35 patella III, arrows indicating proximal and distal dorsal patellar spines 36 tibia II, spines and feathery setae.
Takeshi Yamasaki, G. B. Edwards
Figures 2–9.Myrmarachne acutidens, male. 2 Body in dorsal view 3 body in lateral view 4 endites, labium, coxae and trochanters in ventral view 5 left chelicera in ventral view 6 left fang in retrolateral view 7 left palp in retrolateral view 8 left palp in ventral view 9 left palpal tibia in dorsal view. (Scales. Figs 2–6: 1 mm; 7–9: 0.25 mm)
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 27–33.Pseudopoda emei sp. n., 27–29 Male (SP–SC–03–0050): Left palp (27 prolateral 28 ventral 29 retrolateral). 30–33 Female (SP–SC–03–0052): 30–32 Epigyne (30 ventral 31 dorsal 32 apical) 33 Schematic course of internal duct system, dorsal. Abbreviations: aEF anterior margin of epigynal field; amLL anterior margin of lateral lobes; C conductor; CD copulatory duct; dRTA dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis; E embolus; EP embolic projection; FD fertilization duct; LL lateral lobes of epigyne; lmLL lateral margin of lateral lobes; MF median field of epigyne; mmLL median margin of lateral lobes; pmLL posterior margins of lateral lobes; PI posterior incisions; R ridges; S spermathecae; SD sperm duct; ST subtegulum; T tegulum; vRTA ventral branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Dmitri V. Logunov, Yuri M. Marusik
Figures 91–96.Copulatory organs of Eupoa pulchella sp. n. (91–93, the holotype; 94–96, ♂ paratype). 91, 94–95 male palp, median view 92 ditto, apical view 93, 96 ditto, retrolateral view. Abbreviations as explained in ‘Material and methods’. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.
Cyril Courtial, Lionel Picard, Frédéric Ysnel, Julien Pétillon
Figure 4.Pictures of the epigyne and spermathecae of Eustiromastix guianae. A dorsal view B vulva, ventral view after maceration C ditto latero dorsal view. Scale: 0.5 mm.
Yuri M. Marusik, Alexander A. Fomichev, Mikhail M. Omelko
Figures 13–16.Epigyne of Gnaphosa esyunini sp. n. 13, 15 ventral 14, 16 dorsal, after maceration. Scale = 0.2 mm. Gp – glandular part of receptacle; Re receptacle; Sm – scape.