Image of <i>Thalamita prymna</i>

Thalamita prymna


provided by Maldives and Laccadives LifeDesk

var. picta

"Found sheltering in a coral mass on the outer reef at Minikoi (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 201)."

var. danae

"Taken on the reef at Minikoi (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 201)."

"It would be interesting to know the difference between the habits of this species and those of the equally common and somewhat similarly built, though quite distinct, T. admeta, I am under the impression, though the loss of my Minikoi specimens leaves me somewhat in doubt on this point, that T. prymna is a reef crab of a darker, more greenish hue that T. admeta, generally found in the neighborhood of living corals, and perhaps of rather more sluggish habits than the latter. T. admeta on the other hand, though also found on the reef, is, I fancy, a lagoon crab of a paler color, sometimes almost white, fond of lying on the sand, and of extremely active habits (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 201)."

Nolasco, Jannel