Encope irregularis, holotype, posterior lunuleEncope irregularis, holotype LACM 1935-74-11, Bahia Octavia, Choco Dept, eastern Pacific, Colombia
Encope irregularis, holotype, aboral spinesEncope irregularis, holotype LACM 1935-74-11, Bahia Octavia, Choco Dept, eastern Pacific, Colombia
Encope irregularis, holotype, lateral view (anterior to right)Encope irregularis, holotype LACM 1935-74-11, Bahia Octavia, Choco Dept, eastern Pacific, Colombia
Encope irregularis, holotype, oral viewEncope irregularis, holotype LACM 1935-74-11, Bahia Octavia, Choco Dept, eastern Pacific, Colombia
Encope irregularis, holotype, aboral viewEncope irregularis, holotype LACM 1935-74-11, Bahia Octavia, Choco Dept, eastern Pacific, Colombia
Encope emarginata, lateral view of denuded test (anterior to right)Encope emarginata, Playa La Angosta, Caribbean Coast, Panama
Encope emarginata, oral view of denuded testEncope emarginata, Playa La Angosta, Caribbean Coast, Panama
Encope emarginata, aboral view of denuded testEncope emarginata, Playa La Angosta, Caribbean Coast, Panama
Encope emarginata (Panama), lateral view (anterior to right)Encope emarginata, Playa La Angosta, Caribbean Coast, Panama
Encope emarginata, original figure from Agassiz (1841)Encope emarginata. Agassiz, Louis (1841) Monographies d'échinodermes vivans et fossiles [Tome 2]. aux frais de l'auteur.
Encope emarginata, oral view (Panama)Encope emarginata, Playa La Angosta, Caribbean Coast, Panama
Encope emarginata, aboral (Panama)Encope emarginata, Playa La Angosta, Caribbean Coast, Panama
Encope emarginata, oral viewEncope emarginata, Playa La Angosta, Caribbean Coast, Panama
Encope emarginata, neotype, lateral view (anterior to right)Encope emarginata, labelled as neotype NHM, the locality data states California, however, this is incomplete and appears to be an error
Encope emarginata, neotype, oral viewEncope emarginata, labelled as neotype NHM, the locality data states California, however, this is incomplete and appears to be an error
Encope emargina, neotype, aboral viewEncope emarginata, labelled as neotype NHM, the locality data states California, however, this is incomplete and appears to be an error
Encope emarginata, aboral viewEncope emarginata, Playa La Angosta, Caribbean Coast, Panama
Encope oblonga, lateral view (anterior to right)Encope oblonga, NHM, no locality data
Encope oblonga, oral viewEncope oblonga, NHM, no locality data
Encope oblonga, aboral viewEncope oblonga, NHM, no locality data
Encope oblonga, original figure from Agassiz (1841)Encope oblonga. Agassiz, Louis (1841) Monographies d'échinodermes vivans et fossiles [Tome 2]. aux frais de l'auteur.
Encope michelini, lateral view of denuded test (anterior to right)Encope michelini, Fort Pierce, Florida, Atlanic Ocean.
Encope michelini, oral view of denuded testEncope michelini, Fort Pierce, Florida, Atlanic Ocean.
Encope michelini, aboral view of denuded testEncope michelini, Fort Pierce, Florida, Atlanic Ocean.