Image of Small-flowered Cranesbill
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Small Flowered Cranesbill

Geranium pusillum L.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Geranium pusillum Burm. f. Sp. Geran. 27. 1759 Annual or biennial. Stems branched at the base, the branches decumbent or prostrate, 1-5.5 dm. long, forking, puberulent; leaf-blades reniform in outline, 1.5-5 cm. broad, 5-7parted, the divisions toothed or lobed at the apex ; petioles puberulent and with few spreading hairs ; pedicels in pairs, minutely glandular-pubescent, especially under the calyx ; sepals elliptic to ovate-elliptic, 2.5—1 mm. long, awnless; petals violet, often pale, cuneate, longer than the sepals, notched ; stamens 5 ; style-column 8-9 mm. long at maturity, shortbeaked ; carpel-bodies about 2 mm. long, finely pubescent; seeds smooth.
Type locality : England and France.
Distribution: Ontario to British Columbia, New England, New Jersey, Virginia, Nebraska, and Utah ; Bermuda. Naturalized from Europe.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora