An epitome of the natural history of the insects of India :.
London,Printed for the author by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street; and sold by Messrs, Rivingtons, Str. Paul's Church Yard; White, Fleet Street, Faulder, Bond Street; and H. D. Symonds, Patersonter Row,1800..
The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands :.
London :Printed at the expence of the author, and sold by W. Innys and R. Manby, at the West End of St. Paul's, by Mr. Hauksbee, at the Royal Society House, and by the author, at Mr. Bacon's in Hoxton,MDCCXXXI-MDCCXLIII [i.e. 1729-1747].
Genres des mouches diptères représentés en XLII. planches projettées et dessinées
Zuric, Orell :Fueslie et compagnie,1803.