
Дневник на увози за Schack et al 2020

  • Started: December 09, 2022 10:29
  • Completed: 10:31:06
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 10:30:56 (infos) ++ NUKE: BibliographicCitation (0)
  • 10:30:55 (infos) Removed 0 Locations
  • 10:30:55 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
  • 10:30:55 (infos) ++ NUKE: Location (0)
  • 10:30:55 (infos) Removed 0 Javascripts
  • 10:30:55 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
  • 10:30:55 (infos) ++ NUKE: Javascript (0)
  • 10:30:55 (infos) ++ NUKE: Link (0)
  • 10:30:55 (infos) ++ NUKE: Article (0)
  • 10:30:55 (infos) ++ NUKE: Medium (0)
  • 10:30:55 (infos) Removed 0 Identifiers
  • 10:30:55 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
  • 10:30:55 (infos) ++ NUKE: Identifier (0)
  • 10:30:55 (infos) Removed 1710 Nodeancestors
  • 10:30:55 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 1710 instances...
  • 10:30:55 (infos) ++ NUKE: NodeAncestor (1710)
  • 10:29:15 (ends) Complete
  • 10:29:15 (ends) TOTAL TIME: 4.220062688s
  • 10:29:15 (starts) TraitBank::Denormalizer.update_resource_vernaculars
  • 10:29:15 (starts) Running
  • 10:29:15 (starts) Resource#fix_native_nodes
  • 10:29:15 (starts) Running
  • 10:29:15 (warns) Trait Publishing failed: code: `f`, error: `15`, state: `4`, error_context: `plain_socket_recv(/seabolt/src/seabolt/src/bolt/communication-plain.c:254), recv returned 0` FROM /usr/local/bundle/bundler/gems/neo4j-ruby-driver-fe5438fb945d/ffi/neo4j/driver/internal/error_handling.rb:90:in `throw' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:24:in `load_resource_from_repo' << /app/app/models/publishing/fast.rb:345:in `publish_traits' << /app/app/models/publishing/fast.rb:209:in `publish_traits_with_cleanup' << /app/app/models/publishing/fast.rb:167:in `by_resource' << /app/app/models/publishing/fast.rb:10:in `by_resource'
  • 10:29:15 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 10:29:15 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 10:29:15 (infos) polling for trait diff metadata: /resources/1135/publish_diffs.json
  • 10:29:15 (starts) #publish_traits = TraitBank::Slurp.load_resource_from_repo
  • 10:29:15 (starts) Running
  • 10:29:15 (starts) Fixing native nodes...
  • 10:29:15 (warns) Skipping reindexing. You should reindex soon.
  • 10:29:14 (infos) importing 32 Pages
  • 10:29:14 (starts) create_new_pages
  • 10:29:14 (starts) PageCreator
  • 10:29:14 (starts) Running
  • 10:29:14 (starts) restoring vernacular preferences...
  • 10:29:14 (starts) Running
  • 10:29:14 (warns) MISSING https://content.eol.org/data/schack_et_al_sch/publish_content_sections.tsv [404] (8 bytes); skipping
  • 10:29:14 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 10:29:14 (starts) #grab_file content_sections.tsv
  • 10:29:14 (starts) Running
  • 10:29:14 (starts) #import_and_prop_ids ContentSection
  • 10:29:14 (starts) Running
  • 10:29:14 (warns) MISSING https://content.eol.org/data/schack_et_al_sch/publish_references.tsv [404] (8 bytes); skipping
  • 10:29:14 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 10:29:14 (starts) #grab_file references.tsv
  • 10:29:14 (starts) Running
  • 10:29:14 (starts) #import_and_prop_ids Reference
  • 10:29:14 (starts) Running
  • 10:29:14 (warns) MISSING https://content.eol.org/data/schack_et_al_sch/publish_image_info.tsv [404] (8 bytes); skipping
  • 10:29:14 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...