Description: Deutsch: Große Sumpfschwebfliege - Helophilus trivittatus, Weibchen. Aufgenommen am Anglersee in Hüttenfeld, Lampertheim, Hessen, Deutschland. English: Helophilus trivittatus, female. Taken by a fishing lake in Hüttenfeld, Lampertheim, Hesse, Germany. Українська: Самка мухи
helophilus trivittatus.
Гессен, Німеччина. Date: Taken on 29 August 2017. Source: Own work. Author:
Andreas Eichler. Other versions:
. Camera location
49° 36′ 08.19″ N, 8° 33′ 59.77″ E View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap 49.602275;{clear:both;width:100%;margin:0.5em auto;border:2px solid #e5d4a1;background-color:#faf5e6;border-spacing:8px}.mw-parser-output.template-picture-of-the-day td{padding:0}.mw-parser-output.template-picture-of-the-day.potd-icon{width:64px;text-align:center} : This image was selected as
picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for
21 June 2021. It was captioned as follows:English:
Helophilus trivittatus, female Other languages: Čeština : Samice hmyzu
pestřenka červenonosá
Helophilus trivittatus.English:
Helophilus trivittatus, femaleEspañol :
Helophilus trivittatus, hembraFrançais : Une
Hélophile à bandes grises, femelle.Magyar : A
zengőlégyfélék családjába tartozó nőstény Helophilus trivittatusNederlands:
Citroenpendelvlieg (Helophilus trivittatus,
♀)Português : Fêmea da
mosca-das-flores (Helophilus trivittatus) em um lago de pesca de
Hesse, Alemanha.Македонски :
Голема мочуришна лебдечка мува (Helophilus trivittatus, женка)Русский : Самка мухи-журчалки
Helophilus trivittatusУкраїнська: Самка мухи
Helophilus trivittatus.