
Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Fructification plasmodiocarpous, often covering several square centimeters, terete, branching freely and usually everywhere reticulate, rusty, tawny or bright yellow; peridium thin, transparent, with ir- regular, longitudinal dehiscence; hypothallus like peridium or a little darker, the margins between adjoining segments often separated by a black line; capillitium variable, a tangle of long yellow threads, sparingly branched, free everywhere except below, spinulose, the free tips spinose, acuminate, spiral ridges three or four, with traces of longitudinal strise; spore-mass golden yellow, spores beneath the lens pale yellow, globose, coarsely reticulate, 11—16 /x.

Very common, recognized by its bright yellow color and conspicuous reticulate habit. The Plasmodium is at first milky white, becoming yellow. Found on rotten logs of every description, on the lower surface.

библиографски навод
Macbride, T.H. and G.W. Martin.1934. The Myxomycetes; a descriptive list of the known species with special reference to those occurring in North America. The Macmillan Company, New York.
Katja Schulz (Katja)
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EOL authors

Distribution ( англиски )

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Common west to the Rocky Mountains and Washington, south to Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia, Bolivia and Brazil. Also Europe, South Africa, Manchuria, Japan and generally in the tropics.

библиографски навод
Macbride, T.H. and G.W. Martin.1934. The Myxomycetes; a descriptive list of the known species with special reference to those occurring in North America. The Macmillan Company, New York.
Katja Schulz (Katja)
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EOL authors