
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил North American Flora
Agrimonia striata Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 287. 1803
Agrimonia Brittoniana Bickn. Bull. Torrey Club 23: 517. 1896.
Perennial, with a stout rootstock and fibrous roots; stem 3-20 dm. high, sometimes 1 cm. thick at the base, hirsute with spreading hairs and glandular-papillose; stipules lanceolate or semi-ovate, laciniate with lanceolate, acuminate teeth; petiole and rachis of the leaves hirsute; principal leaflets 7-13, directed forward, strongly veined, dark-green and more or less hispidulous or scabrous above, paler, copiously glandular-granuliferous and more or less pubescent 395
beneath, especially on the veins, lanceolate, elliptic, oblanceolate, or rhombic-obovate, acute at the base, acuminate at the apex, sharply serrate with lanceolate mucronulate teeth, 3-10 cm. long; interposed leaflets 1-3 pairs in each interval, often alternately arranged, usually toothed; peduncles finely pubescent with ascending or appressed hairs, 3-5 dm. long; pedicels ascending, 2-5 cm. long; bracts lanceolate, 3-cleft; bractlets ovate, acuminate; sepals 1.5 mm. long, triangular-ovate, strongly 3-ribbed; petals deep-yellow, obovate, 3 mm. long; fruiting hypanthium when mature strongly reflexed, about 5 mm. long, turbinate, 4 mm. thick, strongly ribbed, glandulargranuliferous and in the grooves strigose, with a low thick rim; bristles in 3-4 series, erect or connivent.
Type locality: Canada.
Distribution: Roadsides, open woods, and copses, from Nova Scotia to West Virginia, New Mexico, and British Columbia.
библиографски навод
Per Axel Rydberg. 1913. ROSACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 22(5). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Agrimonia striata ( азерски )

добавил wikipedia AZ

Agrimonia striata (lat. Agrimonia striata) - gülçiçəyikimilər fəsiləsinin gücotu cinsinə aid bitki növü.


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Agrimonia striata: Brief Summary ( азерски )

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Agrimonia striata (lat. Agrimonia striata) - gülçiçəyikimilər fəsiləsinin gücotu cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Agrimonia striata ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Agrimonia striata (roadside agrimony, grooved agrimony,[1] agrimony, cocklebur, woodland agrimony,[2] woodland grooveburr[3]) is a species of perennial forb belonging to the rose family (Rosaceae). It grows to about 40 inches (1m) producing a dense cluster (raceme) of 5-parted yellow flowers on a hairy stalk above pinnately-divided leaves.[1] It is native to the United States, Canada, and Saint Pierre and Miquelon.[4] It is susceptible to downy mildew caused by the oomycete species Peronospora agrimoniae.[5]

The species name striata means "striped".[1]


  1. ^ a b c Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Archived 2011-09-28 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved 2010-03-13.
  2. ^ Gustave J. Yaki@Talk About Wildlife Archived 2011-07-06 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved 2010-03-13.
  3. ^ ITIS Standard Report Page: Agrimonia Striata Retrieved 2010-03-13.
  4. ^ PLANTS Profile for Agrimonia striata Retrieved 2010-03-13.
  5. ^ Constantinescu, O. (1991). "An annotated list of Peronospora names". Thunbergia. 15.
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wikipedia EN

Agrimonia striata: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Agrimonia striata (roadside agrimony, grooved agrimony, agrimony, cocklebur, woodland agrimony, woodland grooveburr) is a species of perennial forb belonging to the rose family (Rosaceae). It grows to about 40 inches (1m) producing a dense cluster (raceme) of 5-parted yellow flowers on a hairy stalk above pinnately-divided leaves. It is native to the United States, Canada, and Saint Pierre and Miquelon. It is susceptible to downy mildew caused by the oomycete species Peronospora agrimoniae.

The species name striata means "striped".

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wikipedia EN

Agrimonia striata ( француски )

добавил wikipedia FR

Aigremoine striée

Agrimonia striata (aigremoine en bordure de route , aigremoine rainurée , aigremoine , lampourde , bois aigremoine , bois grooveburr) est une espèce de plante vivace forb appartenant à la famille des rosacées (Rosaceae). Il atteint environ 40 pouces. (1m) produisant une grappe dense (racème) de fleurs jaunes en 5 parties sur une tige velue au - dessus de feuilles pennées divisées . Il est originaire des États-Unis , du Canada et de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon . Il est sensible au mildiou causé par l'espèce oomycète Peronospora agrimoniae .

Le nom de l'espèce striata signifie "rayé".


Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Agrimonia striata: Brief Summary ( француски )

добавил wikipedia FR

Aigremoine striée

Agrimonia striata (aigremoine en bordure de route , aigremoine rainurée , aigremoine , lampourde , bois aigremoine , bois grooveburr) est une espèce de plante vivace forb appartenant à la famille des rosacées (Rosaceae). Il atteint environ 40 pouces. (1m) produisant une grappe dense (racème) de fleurs jaunes en 5 parties sur une tige velue au - dessus de feuilles pennées divisées . Il est originaire des États-Unis , du Canada et de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon . Il est sensible au mildiou causé par l'espèce oomycète Peronospora agrimoniae .

Le nom de l'espèce striata signifie "rayé".

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wikipedia FR

Agrimonia striata ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Agrimonia striata (tên tiếng Anh: Roadside agrimony, Grooved agrimony,[1] Agrimony, Cocklebur, Woodland Agrimony,[2] Woodland grooveburr[3]) là một loài thực vật lâu năm thuộc họ Hoa hồng (Rosaceae). Nó có nguồn gốc tại Hoa Kỳ, Canada, và Saint Pierre and Miquelon.[4]

Tên loài striata có nghĩa là "sọc".[1]

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Agrimonia striata: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Agrimonia striata (tên tiếng Anh: Roadside agrimony, Grooved agrimony, Agrimony, Cocklebur, Woodland Agrimony, Woodland grooveburr) là một loài thực vật lâu năm thuộc họ Hoa hồng (Rosaceae). Nó có nguồn gốc tại Hoa Kỳ, Canada, và Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

Tên loài striata có nghĩa là "sọc".

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