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Plants perennial, rarely annual in a few populations, occasionally stoloniferous. Culms 30–200 cm long, solid, decumbent or clambering to erect; nodes glabrous. Leaf sheaths half as long to slightly longer than internodes, glabrous or ciliate apically along margins; ligule membranous, 0.5–1.5 mm long, ciliate or fimbriate apically; leaf blades cauline, linear. Inflorescence apical and exserted at maturity or cleistogamous in lower leaf sheaths, a panicle composed of several to numerous unilateral racemes, racemosely or subdigitately scattered along a central axis; branches at maturity slightly reflexed to ascending or steeply erect. Spikelets sessile to subsessile, dorsally rounded to flattened, typically overlapping, disarticulation above the glumes; florets 4−13; glumes 2, 1-nerved or occasionally with remnants of two additional nerves near base, mucronate or emucronate; lemmas 3-nerved, rarely with remnants of two additional nerves near base, sometimes cartilaginous towards the base, macrohairs acute, obtuse, or clavicorniculate; paleas often somewhat cartilaginous towards base. Stamens 3. Lodicules 2, flabellate. Caryopses dorsally flattened, broadly concave on the hilar surface; pericarp weakly adnate to endosperm. 2n = 40, 60, 80 (Snow 1997).
авторски права
Neil Snow, Paul M. Peterson, Konstantin Romaschenko
библиографски навод
Snow N, Peterson P, Romaschenko K (2013) Systematics of Disakisperma (Poaceae, Chloridoideae, Chlorideae) PhytoKeys 26: 21–70
Neil Snow
Paul M. Peterson
Konstantin Romaschenko
соработничко мреж. место
Phytokeys (archived)