Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 177, Figs. 11-15: L. Cretaceous (Valanginian), Spain. 11, Transverse section, x 45; 12, axial section of megalospheric test, x 65; 13, deep tangential section showing radial beams and subepidermal network near the exterior and triangular pillars in center, x 47.5; 14, tangential section intersecting the embryo of megalospheric test, x 65; 15, subaxial section of microspheric test, x 47.5 (from Canerot and Moullade, 1971).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 181, Figs. 6-11: U. Cretaceous (U. Cenomanian), France. 6, Slightly oblique horizontal section of megalospheric test, x 63; 7, tangential section through youngest layer of chambers of microspheric test, x 63; 8, tangential section through embryo and first layer of chambers, x 63; 9, tangential section of megalospheric test, x 63; 10, axial section of holotype of Neorbitolina cenomana Billotte, Moullade, and Vial, x 44; 11, part of axial section, x 63 (6-9, 11, from Schroeder, 1962; 10, from Billotte et al., 1974).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 184, Figs. 1-3: Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian),Prov. Valencia,Spain.1, Tangential section through young chambers of microspheric test, x 25 (from Schroeder, 1965; 2, basal section perpendicular to test axis, x 20; 3, axial section of holotype, x 14; (2, 3, from H. Douvillé, 1905, as Orbitolina conoidea Gras).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 183, Figs. 7-13: U. Cretaceous (Cenomanian), Ballon, Dept. Sarthe, France. 7, Tangential section of topotype, x 50; 8, tangential section through embryo and first chamber layer, x 26; 9, axial section through embryonal apparatus, x 57; 10, dorsal exterior of megalospheric specimen, x 5; 11, 12, axial sections of megalospheric embryonal region, x 50; 13, Favre's illustration of Lamarck's collection of O. concava, x 1, arrow pointing to lectotype designated by Schroeder (1962, p. 186); (7, 10-13, from Douglass, 1960; 8, 9, from Schroeder, 1962).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 192, Figs. 1-4: Miocene (U. Tortonian), Western Carpathians. 1-3, Side, apertural, and edge views, x 25; 4, diagrammatic longitudinal section, x 30 (from Cicha and Zapletalová, 1965).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 197, Figs. 1-4: U. Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian), Germany.1-3, Opposite sides and apertural view, x 27; 4, section of part of wall to show canaliculi, x 160 (from Hofker, 1957).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 206, Figs. 6-11: L. Eocene (U. Cuisian), Dalmatia, Croatia. 6, Slightly oblique basal section showing dark pillars and light apertural openings, x 30; 7, slightly oblique axial section of megalospheric test with trochospiral juvenile stage and later uniserial chambers, x 30; 8, nearly axial section, x 30; 9, 10, exterior of isolated specimens oflow and high conical form, respectively, x 15; 11, noncentered axial section of megalospheric test, x 30 (from Hottinger and Drohne, 1980).
Holotype in axial section. k: keel; fp: foliar pile; f: folia. scale bar 1 mm
Holotype in axial section. up: umbilical plate
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 222, Figs. 1-2: M. Permian (Kungurian), W. Urals, Russia. 1, Diagrammatic section showing inner wall layer (iw) separated from the outer layer (ow) by an intervening space (s) in the apertural region; 2, holotype, x 83 (from Zolotova and Baryshnikov, 1980). courtesy of Michael Hesemann https://foraminifera.eu
France, Vendee (T3V of Hayward et al, 2004)
France, Vendee (T3V of Hayward et al, 2004)
Whittaker, J. E.; Jones, R. W.; Banner, F. T. (1998). Key Mesozoic Benthic Foraminifera of the Middle East. The Natural History Museum of London. 1-236. Pl. 76, fig. 7 Omphalocyclus macroporus (Lamarck, 1816). IPC no. M/1287, equatorial section of megalospheric form, x20. From Sul, Kani-Spika, "Maestrichtian", northern Iraq.
Whittaker, J. E.; Jones, R. W.; Banner, F. T. (1998). Key Mesozoic Benthic Foraminifera of the Middle East. The Natural History Museum of London. 1-236. Pl. 77, Figs 1-4 Omphalocyclus macroporus (Lamarck, 1816). 1, IPC no. M/1288, vertical section of microspheric form, x22. 2, 3, IPC no. M/ 2824, vertical section of megalospheric form and close-up of early chambers, x20, and x100, respectively. 4, IPC no. M/2837, equatorial section of microspheric form, x20. Fig. 1 from Sul, Kani-Spika, "Maestrichtian", north Iraq. Figs 2-4 from Martigues, "Senonian", France.
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 195, Figs. 1-4: M. Miocene (Tortonian), Spain. 1, 2, Side and top views, x 35 (from Gonzalez-Donoso, 1968); 3, horizontal section showing intercameral septum in the center and vertical radial partitions subdividing the outer part of the chambers, x 85; 4, longitudinal section showing coarsely agglutinated wall, and intersecting the radial partitions in a few places, x 35.
holotype. Almost axial section. Abbreviations: ch: chamber; p: pores; up: umbilical plate; upg: umbilical plug.
Cherchi, A.; Schroeder, R. (2005). Menaella bustamantei n. gen., n. sp. (Acervulinacea, Foraminiferida) from the uppermost Albian of northern Spain. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana. 44: 1-10., available online at (http://paleoitalia.org/media/u/archives/003-Cherchi-et-al-4412005.pdf) page(s): p. 4, pl. 1, figs. 1-6, 9 (holotype fig. 5). 1 - Oblique axial section. SMF 34628(1), x 150. 2 - Axial section. CAS 5, x 150. 3 - Axial section (cr - chamber roof). CAS 2, x 150. 4 - Tangential section. CAS 1, x 150. 5 - Holotype. Axial section (E - embryonic chamber). CAS 6, x 150. 6 - Oblique axial section (cv - calcite vein). CAS 4, x 150. 9 - Subaxial section (1,2,3,4 - laminae of the adulte stage; cr - chamber roof) CNU-1, x 150.
Holotype, slightly oblique section, nearly axial.
Paratype, equatorial section.
Image source: Todd, R. 1965. The Foraminifera of the Tropical Pacific Collections of the ”Albatross”, 1899-1900. Part 4. Rotaliform families and planktonic families [End of Volume]. Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus 161: v+139 pp.+28 pls.
Publication: Loeblich, A.R., Tappan, H., 1994. Foraminifera of the Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Special Publication 31, 13–630 Plate 8 Figures 4–9 Figure caption: 4, Hypotype (USNM 469530) from V-50, x50. 5, Hypotype (USNM 469531) from V-157. x 50.6, Hypotype (USNM 469532) from V-278, x37. 7,8, Hypotype (USNM 469533) from V-171, x 25.9, Hypotype (USNM 469534) from V-349, x34. (p. 18) Image upload permission granted by the Cushman Foundation.
Placopsilina bradyi sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 36
Acervulina inhaerens sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 102
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1931. The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean. Part 8. Rotaliidae, Amphisteginidae, Calcarinidae, Cymbaloporettidae, Globorotaliidae, Anomalinidae, Planorbulinidae, Rupertiidae and Homotremidae. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 104.