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Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Smoegen/Skagerrak/Sweden, 58.35 N, 11.22 E found at beach
Smoegen/Skagerrak/Sweden, 58.35 N, 11.22 E found at beach
Smoegen/Skagerrak/Sweden, 58.35 N, 11.22 E found at beach
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Discription to come
Foraminiferans living in polluted environments often show alterations in the morphology of their tests. This individual, isolated from a site in Norway which is contaminated with heavy metals, has a prominent lump on the test (top left). Image courtesy of Dr. Elisabeth Alve, University of Oslo. Citation: Alve, E. Benthic foraminifera reflecting pollution. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 21:1-19.
Foraminiferans living in polluted environments often show alterations in the morphology of their tests. This individual, isolated from a site in Norway which is contaminated with heavy metals, exhibits reduced chamber size in some of its chambers (notice that the test is not evenly rounded.) Image courtesy of Dr. Elisabeth Alve, University of Oslo. Citation: Alve, E. Benthic foraminifera reflecting pollution. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 21:1-19.