Haliseris polypodioides.
Padina pavonia.
Taonia atomaria.
Spatoglossum schraederi (a and b); Dictyota dichotoma (c and d), narrow form from coral reef.
Pheophycees (Algues brunes) Dictyotees, Padina Pavonia (L.) Lamour..
Pheophycees (Algues brunes) Dictyotees, Taonia atomaria (Good et Wood.) J. Ag..
Spatoglossum schraederi.
Zonaria flava, bearing Spermothamnion investiens.
Padina vickersiae.
Padina vickersiae (type).
Funnel Weed; Padina australis
Funnel Weed; Padina australis
Funnel Weed; Padina australis
Dictyota ceylanica
Dictyota ceylanica