
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Calosoma aurocinctum Chaudoir

Calosoma splendidum Perbosc, 1839:261. [Holotype female, MEXICO, Santa Domingo (MNHP).]

Calosoma aurocinctum Chaudoir, 1850:420. [New name for C. splendidum Perbosc, 1839:261, not Dejean.]

DIAGNOSTIC COMBINATION.—Pronotum without basal seta at hind angle; venter brilliant metallic, pronotum bluish green, not contrasting with elytra. Color and luster: bluish green, elytra often dark green with purple or golden margin, femur blue, tibiae and tarsi black. Form: size medium large, head and pronotum narrow relative to broadly inflated elytra; eyes large and prominent Structure: pronotum with sides evenly and markedly arcuate, small pointed hind angles, without basal setae; elytra serrate or not near humerus, with striatopunctate interneurs, punctures connected by shallow scaly cross lines, intervals convex; middle tibia markedly arcuate in male, slightly arcuate in female; male foretarsi with four dilated articles, each with spongy pubescence beneath. ABL = 22.0 to 30.0 mm; 10.0 to 14.0 mm (from Gidaspow, 1959).

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION.—Although Gidaspow (1963) reported this species from Nicaragua, I have seen no specimens from there and she does not give, in her paper, a list of depositories associated with each species. As several southern Mexican records are available, I have no doubt that this species could inhabit Central America.


MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Type (see above) and 10 specimens from Mexico.
библиографски навод
Erwin, Terry L. 1991. "The ground beetles of Central America (Carabidae) I: Carabinae (in part): Notiophilini, Loricerini, Carabini." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-30. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.501
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Calosoma aurocinctum ( англиски )

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Calosoma aurocinctum is a species of ground beetle in the subfamily of Carabinae.[1] It was described by Maximilien Chaudoir in 1950.[1]


  1. ^ a b "Calosoma aurocinctum Chaudoir, 1850". Catalogue of Life. Retrieved 2023-04-08.
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Calosoma aurocinctum: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Calosoma aurocinctum is a species of ground beetle in the subfamily of Carabinae. It was described by Maximilien Chaudoir in 1950.

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Calosoma aurocinctum ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Calosoma aurocinctum es una especie de escarabajo del género Calosoma, familia Carabidae. Fue descrita científicamente por Chaudoir en 1850.[1]

Esta especie se encuentra en México y los Estados Unidos.[1]


  1. a b «Calosoma aurocinctum». Catalogue of Life (en inglés). Consultado el 25 de enero de 2022.

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wikipedia ES

Calosoma aurocinctum: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Calosoma aurocinctum es una especie de escarabajo del género Calosoma, familia Carabidae. Fue descrita científicamente por Chaudoir en 1850.​

Esta especie se encuentra en México y los Estados Unidos.​

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Calosoma aurocinctum ( холандски; фламански )

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Calosoma aurocinctum is een keversoort uit de familie van de loopkevers (Carabidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1850 door Chaudoir.

De lengte van de kever is 22 tot 27 millimeter. De kever is geheel groen van kleur, de dekschilden hebben een rode rand.

De soort komt voor van Texas en Arizona tot Guatemala en Nicaragua.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Anichtchenko A. et al., (editors): Carabidae of the World. www.carabidae.org (bezocht: 20 tot 28 maart 2013)
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