
Biology / Hosts

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Reared from Olive fly, Bactrocera oleae.
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Robert Wharton
соработничко мреж. место
Deans Deitz Wharton et al

Biology and Behavior

добавил Deans Deitz Wharton et al
Silvestri observed Cyrtoptyx latipes (which he called Dinarmus dacicida and Dinarmus dacicida virescens ) attacking the larval stage of olive fly (Bactrocera oleae ) infesting olives in Italy (Silvestri 1914, pp. 83-85). In field experiments in Crete, Greece, Bigler found parasitization rates by Cyrtoptyx latipes of olive fly to decrease with increasing host density in both olive orchards and oleaster areas (Bigler et al. 1986).
авторски права
Robert Wharton
соработничко мреж. место
Deans Deitz Wharton et al


добавил Deans Deitz Wharton et al
Cyrtoptyx latipes, in the strict sense, occurs from Cyprus through the Middle East to India plus Eritrea, with purposeful introduction to Italy. Inclusion of the subspecies noted above makes this species more widely distributed on both sides of the Mediterranean.
авторски права
Robert Wharton
соработничко мреж. место
Deans Deitz Wharton et al


добавил Deans Deitz Wharton et al
The genus was described by Delucchi (1956) for some of the species formerly included in Dinarmus.
See the Pteromalidae page for additional information.
авторски права
Robert Wharton
соработничко мреж. место
Deans Deitz Wharton et al

Taxonomic History / Nomenclature

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Cyrtoptyx latipes (Rondani, 1874) is the current valid name for Dinarmus dacicida Masi and dacicida has sometimes been treated as a subspecies, in which case the name would be Cyrtoptyx latipes dacicida (Masi, 1907). For additional information, see the Chalcidoidea Database by John Noyes.
авторски права
Robert Wharton
соработничко мреж. место
Deans Deitz Wharton et al