
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Neotanais pfaffioides Lang, 1968

Neotanais pfaffioides Lang, 1968:152, figs. 94–97, pls. 6e,f, 7a,b.

DIAGNOSIS—Stages Other Than Copulatory Male (copulatory males unknown): *Pereonites 4–6 generally square in dorsal view with area over pereopods prominently expanded laterally; *each pereonite with shallow dorsal depressions. *Pleonites of similar width, each bearing up to 7 relatively long, feathered epimeral hairs in a row running dorsally on each side, sides gradually sloping posterolaterally; *each pleonite with a moderately sized, acutely tipped, midventral protuberance posteriorly located on each sternite. Pleotelson convex both anterior and posterior to uropods in dorsal view and bearing a small, pointed ventral protuberance anteriorly. Chelipedal carpus with at least 12 dorsal setae (copulatory female); fixed finger with uneven inner border without distinct teeth; *dactylar border only slightly uneven or undulate and without teeth. First article of first antenna 4.2 times longer than wide. Pereopodal carpal and propodal setae slender and with very fine setules; long, terminal propodal spines apparently absent. Pereopod VII with about 20 short, subterminal propodal spines in row (copulatory female).

MATERIAL.—Galathea Sta. 471, Sunda Trench, 2780 m, 1 Cop (holotype).

библиографски навод
Gardiner, Lion F. 1975. "The systematics, postmarsupial development, and ecology of the deep-sea family Neotanaidae (Crustacea: Tanaidacea)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-265. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.170
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology