
Plate 3

Слика од Alexandrium minutum


Plate 3. Alexandrium minutum. Fig. 1. SEM: ventral view. Cell small and ellipsoidal. Epitheca conical, larger than hypotheca. Hypotheca short and wide; antapex obliquely flattened. Intercalary bands present. Cingulum deep, lipped; displaced 1X its width. Sulcus shallow (sa=anterior sulcal plate). Apical pore plate (Po) in direct contact with 1' plate. Fig. 2. LM: ventral view. Ventral pore (vp) present on 1' plate. Fig. 3. SEM: apical view. Po large, narrow and oval; indirectly connected to 1' plate. Vp present (arrow). Figs. 4-5. Line drawing. Fig. 4. Ventral view. 1' plate slender and rhomboidal. Fig. 5. Po connection to 1' plate: a. direct; b. indirect via thin suture. Fig. 6. LM: cyst circular in apical view.

Информации за изворот

библиографски навод
Faust, Maria A. and Rose A. Gulledge. Identifying Harmful Marine Dinoflagellates. Smithsonian Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, volume 42: 1-144 (including 48 plates, 1 figure and 1 table).
изворна податотека
посети извор
соработничко мреж. место
NMNH Marine Dinoflagellates