
Слика од Metacrangon munita (Dana 1852)

Слика од Metacrangon munita (Dana 1852)


In this side view of the carapace, the short rounded rostrum and two median dorsal spines can be seen. The dorsal profile of the carapace is highest at the posterior median spine and descends anteriorly all the way to the rostrum in a female, while in the male the dorsal profile remains high until the anterior median spine, then descends to the rostrum. From this view and the animal's size I conclude that this is a female. Also note that pereopod 5 (the last walking leg) does not have a broad and flattened dactyl. On the side of the carapace can be seen the light-brown submedian spine, and a hepatic spine just below and forward of it.

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Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory
Invertebrates of the Salish Sea
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Invertebrates of the Salish Sea