Слика од Exidia thuretiana (Lév.) Fr. 1874

Slo.: ? Habitat: Light mixed karst forest and bushes, predominantly oak, stony ground, limestone, shaded by tree canopies, N oriented, cca. 1 m above ground, partly protected from rain, precipitations 1.500 -1.600 mm/year, average temperature 10-12 deg C, altitude 280 m (920 feet), submediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: partly debarked rotten trunk of a thick Hedera helix climbing a Quercus petraea and cut at the bottom by men.
Се јавува на следниве страници:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota (еукариот)
- Opisthokonta
- Nucletmycea
- Fungi
- Dikarya
- Basidiomycota (Столпчести габи)
- Agaricomycetes (агарикомицети)
- Auriculariales
- Auriculariaceae
- Exidia
- Exidia thuretiana
Сликата ја нема во ниедна збирка.
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- 2009 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
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- Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
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