
Слика од Primula carniolica Jacq.

Слика од Primula carniolica Jacq.


Slo.: kranjski jeglic Carniolan Primrose is probably the most famous, truly endemic plant in Slovenia. The beautiful, tender primrose is a recent endemics which emerged during the ice ages. It mostly grows in shady, secluded gorges in rocky fissures, in a tiny territory of about 70 km (40 miles) by 25 km (15 miles) in south-west Slovenia. It was discovered by the physician Janez Anton Scopoli. But he did not recognise it as a new species. Later Balthasar Hacquet sent it to Vienna, where it was described under all the rules as a new species and named Carniolan. At that time, under Austrian empire, the present territory of Slovenia was divided into a number of provinces. One of these was Carniola.

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