Whole mount

This image was made from samples taken during a scientific cruise in the Pacific. Water was filtered to concentrate the organisms that were present, then dried onto a thin sheet of plastic and then shadowed with a fine layer of metal to provide contrast. The preparation was then observed with an electron-microscope. This technique has been used to document the diversity of marine microbes, especially, protists in the oceans.
Се јавува на следниве страници:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota (еукариот)
- Haptista
- Haptophyta
- Prymnesiophyceae
- Prymnesiales
- Chrysochromulinaceae
- Chrysochromulina
Сликата ја нема во ниедна збирка.
Информации за изворот
- лиценца
- cc-by-nc
- автор
- Naja Voers
- добавувач
- micro*scope
- изворно
- изворна податотека
- посети извор
- соработничко мреж. место
- micro*scope
- ID