Bidens amplectens

Kookoolau, Waianae kookoolauAsteraceae (Sunflower family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Waianae Mountains, Oahu)IUCN: VulnerableOahu (Cultivated) Hawaiians used the leaves in hot teas and tonics. Today, all species of kookoolau can be brewed as a tonic and each are said to have distinct flavors. Regarding Bidens spp., Isabella Abbott comments that "I find that the roughly half a dozen species common in Hawaii offer two or three slightly different flavors, each a bit more subtle than commercial black tea." ("Lau Hawaii: Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Plants")EtymologyThe name Bidens is derived from the Latin bi, two, and dens, teeth in reference to the pappus awns or collective bristles on the achenes (fruit, seeds).The Latin specific epithet amplectens means "stem-clasping (leaf base)."
Се јавува на следниве страници:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota (еукариот)
- Archaeplastida
- Chloroplastida
- Streptophyta
- Embryophytes
- Tracheophyta
- Spermatophytes (семени растенија)
- Angiosperms (дикотиледони)
- Eudicots
- Superasterids
- Asterids
- Asterales (ѕвездовидни)
- Asteraceae (главоцветни)
- Bidens (двозабец)
- Bidens amplectens
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