Sporochnus elsieae Lindauer (AM AK284572-3)

Sporochnus elsieae Lindauer. Artist: Lindauer, Victor W. Title: Sporochnus elsieae Lindauer. Object type: Classification: 67413 Sporochnus elsieae Lindauer. Date: 10 Dec 2003; 28 Nov 1944. Collection: Auckland War Memorial Museum . . Native name: Tāmaki Paenga Hira. Location: Auckland, New Zealand. Coordinates: 36° 51′ 37″ S, 174° 46′ 40″ E . Established: October 25, 1852. Web page: http://www.aucklandmuseum.com/. Authority control: : Q758657 VIAF: 138202601 ISNI: 0000 0001 2174 295X ULAN: 500281217 LCCN: no99028491 NLA: 35670621 WorldCat. institution QS:P195,Q758657. Accession number: AK284572. Place of creation: Stewart Island - Mount Allen Ecological District. Source/Photographer: API data Catalogue record Photo. Permission(Reusing this file): This image has been released as "CCBY" by Auckland Museum. For details refer to the Commons project page. Other versions: .
Се јавува на следниве страници:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota (еукариот)
- SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
- Stramenopiles
- Ochrophyta
- Phaeophyceae (Кафеави алги)
- Sporochnales
- Sporochnaceae
- Sporochnus
- Sporochnus elsieae
Сликата ја нема во ниедна збирка.
Информации за изворот
- лиценца
- cc-by-3.0
- авторски права
- Lindauer, Victor W
- создавач
- Lindauer, Victor W
- извор
- API data Catalogue record
- фотограф
- API data Catalogue record Photo
- изворно
- изворна податотека
- посети извор
- соработничко мреж. место
- Wikimedia Commons
- ID