
Image of human body louse

Image of human body louse


Magnified 4788x, this 2006 scanning electron micrograph (SEM) depicted an enlarged view of the chitinous, exoskeletal surface of a male louse, Pediculus humanus var. corporis. In this particular view, the exoskeletal adornments are few, consisting of small, spike-like structures. Quite often the shape and size of these skeletal adnexae are quite complex, with forms following functions, which are just as varied. The exoskeleton is composed of chitin, a molecule made up of bound units of acetylglucosamine, which is joined in such a way as to allow for increased points at which hydrogen bonding can occur. In this way chitin provides increased strength, and durability as an exoskeletal foundation.
Created: 2006

Source Information

Janice Carr
Public Health Image Library