Importer le journal pour wikipedia BR
- Started: January 21, 2020 16:11
- Completed: 11:58:17
- Failed: No.
- Status: completed
Events (most recent first):
- 11:54:14 (warns) Skipping reindexing. You should reindex soon. base:81>delayed_job:21>resource:229>fast:10,155>page_creator:32
- 11:52:46 (warns) INCORRECT NUMBER OF ROWS DURING IMPORT OF articles: got 13101, expected 103698 (from /app/tmp/wiki_br_breton_articles.tsv) fast:10,149,149,149,226,271
- 11:48:10 (warns) All existing content has been destroyed for the resource. lifecycle:61>base:81>delayed_job:21>resource:229>fast:10,143
- 16:13:12 (warns) Skipping reindexing. You should reindex soon.
- 16:12:36 (warns) INCORRECT NUMBER OF ROWS DURING IMPORT OF articles: got 12758, expected 129653 (from /app/tmp/wiki_br_breton_articles.tsv)