Importer le journal pour wikipedia EN
- Started: July 08, 2023 11:37
- Completed: 14:20:45
- Failed: No.
- Status: completed
Events (most recent first):
- 13:02:51 (infos) Removed 438686 Nodes
- 13:01:46 (updates) Batch 43 (expect 44 batches, maximum 88)...
- 13:01:46 (infos) Starting (this log message should be replaced shortly)
- 13:01:46 (infos) ++ Batch removal of 438686 instances...
- 13:01:46 (infos) ++ NUKE: Node (438686)
- 13:01:36 (infos) Updating page node counts...
- 13:01:36 (infos) Removed 0 Attributions
- 13:01:36 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
- 13:01:36 (infos) ++ NUKE: Attribution (0)
- 13:01:36 (infos) Removed 0 Vernaculars
- 13:01:36 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
- 13:01:36 (infos) ++ NUKE: Vernacular (0)
- 13:01:36 (infos) Removed 438686 Scientificnames
- 13:00:03 (updates) Batch 43 (expect 44 batches, maximum 88)...
- 13:00:03 (infos) Starting (this log message should be replaced shortly)
- 13:00:03 (infos) ++ Batch removal of 438686 instances...
- 13:00:03 (infos) ++ NUKE: ScientificName (438686)
- 13:00:03 (infos) Removed 0 Occurrencemaps
- 13:00:03 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
- 13:00:03 (infos) ++ NUKE: OccurrenceMap (0)
- 13:00:03 (infos) Removed 0 Links
- 13:00:03 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
- 13:00:02 (infos) ++ NUKE: Link (0)
- 13:00:02 (infos) Removed 832790 Articles
- 12:56:14 (updates) Batch 83 (expect 84 batches, maximum 168)...
- 12:56:14 (infos) Starting (this log message should be replaced shortly)
- 12:56:14 (infos) ++ Batch removal of 832790 instances...
- 12:56:14 (infos) ++ NUKE: Article (832790)
- 12:56:14 (infos) Removed 0 Media
- 12:56:14 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
- 12:56:14 (infos) ++ NUKE: Medium (0)
- 12:56:14 (infos) Removed 0 Imageinfos
- 12:56:14 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
- 12:56:14 (infos) ++ NUKE: ImageInfo (0)
- 12:56:14 (infos) Removed 0 Referents
- 12:56:14 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
- 12:56:14 (infos) ++ NUKE: Referent (0)
- 12:56:14 (infos) Removed 0 References
- 12:56:14 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
- 12:56:14 (infos) ++ NUKE: Reference (0)
- 12:56:14 (infos) Removed 0 Bibliographiccitations
- 12:56:13 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
- 12:56:13 (infos) ++ NUKE: BibliographicCitation (0)
- 12:56:10 (infos) Removed 0 Locations
- 12:56:10 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
- 12:56:10 (infos) ++ NUKE: Location (0)
- 12:56:10 (infos) Removed 0 Javascripts
- 12:56:10 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
- 12:56:10 (infos) ++ NUKE: Javascript (0)
- 12:56:10 (infos) ++ NUKE: Link (0)