
Importer le journal pour NMNH Collection

  • Started: May 25, 2018 11:49
  • Completed: 12:27:52
  • Failed: 12:27:52
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 11:59:05 (infos) Batch 17/113...
  • 11:58:54 (starts) import 17531 page contents...
  • 11:58:51 (infos) Batch 16/113...
  • 11:58:39 (starts) import 20477 page contents...
  • 11:58:38 (infos) Batch 15/113...
  • 11:58:24 (starts) import 17285 page contents...
  • 11:58:22 (infos) Batch 14/113...
  • 11:58:06 (starts) import 20515 page contents...
  • 11:58:05 (infos) Batch 13/113...
  • 11:57:52 (starts) import 17349 page contents...
  • 11:57:50 (infos) Batch 12/113...
  • 11:57:36 (starts) import 18342 page contents...
  • 11:57:33 (infos) Batch 11/113...
  • 11:57:19 (starts) import 21363 page contents...
  • 11:57:18 (infos) Batch 10/113...
  • 11:57:03 (starts) import 18033 page contents...
  • 11:57:02 (infos) Batch 9/113...
  • 11:56:49 (starts) import 17825 page contents...
  • 11:56:46 (infos) Batch 8/113...
  • 11:56:35 (starts) import 17065 page contents...
  • 11:56:32 (infos) Batch 7/113...
  • 11:56:21 (starts) import 13653 page contents...
  • 11:56:18 (infos) Batch 6/113...
  • 11:56:06 (starts) import 21653 page contents...
  • 11:56:05 (infos) Batch 5/113...
  • 11:55:53 (starts) import 19851 page contents...
  • 11:55:50 (infos) Batch 4/113...
  • 11:55:39 (starts) import 16696 page contents...
  • 11:55:37 (infos) Batch 3/113...
  • 11:55:25 (starts) import 16589 page contents...
  • 11:55:22 (infos) Batch 2/113...
  • 11:55:10 (starts) import 16551 page contents...
  • 11:55:07 (infos) Batch 1/113...
  • 11:54:49 (starts) import 16684 page contents...
  • 11:54:46 (infos) Batch 0/113...
  • 11:54:46 (infos) 112234 Media to process (in 113 batches)
  • 11:54:45 (starts) MediaContentCreator#by_resource
  • 11:54:45 (starts) MediaContentCreator
  • 11:54:45 (warns) There were NO new pages, skipping...
  • 11:54:09 (starts) create_new_pages
  • 11:54:08 (starts) PageCreator
  • 11:54:08 (warns) Trait Publishing failed: {Couldn't load the external resource at: https://demo:fungi@beta.eol.org/traits_463.csv}<--/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/activesupport-4.2.10/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:274:in `require'<--bin/rails:4:in `<main>'
  • 11:54:08 (warns) MISSING http://eol-repo-app:3000/data/nmnh_entomology_/publish_metadata.tsv [404] (7 bytes); skipping
  • 11:54:08 (warns) MISSING http://eol-repo-app:3000/data/nmnh_entomology_/publish_traits.tsv [404] (7 bytes); skipping
  • 11:54:08 (starts) #publish_traits
  • 11:54:08 (starts) Remove traits
  • 11:54:08 (warns) MISSING http://eol-repo-app:3000/data/nmnh_entomology_/publish_references.tsv [404] (7 bytes); skipping
  • 11:54:08 (starts) Reference
  • 11:54:08 (warns) MISSING http://eol-repo-app:3000/data/nmnh_entomology_/publish_image_info.tsv [404] (7 bytes); skipping
  • 11:54:08 (starts) ImageInfo