
Importer le journal pour NMNH Collection

  • Started: May 19, 2023 13:27
  • Completed: 14:52:39
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 14:52:39 (ends) Complete
  • 14:52:39 (ends) TOTAL TIME: 85.1m
  • 14:40:48 (starts) #fix_missing_icons (just to be safe)
  • 14:40:48 (starts) Running
  • 14:40:48 (starts) TraitBank::Denormalizer.update_resource_vernaculars
  • 14:40:48 (starts) Running
  • 14:40:47 (starts) Resource#fix_native_nodes
  • 14:40:47 (starts) Running
  • 14:40:47 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/nmnh_entomology__image_info.tsv
  • 14:40:47 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/nmnh_entomology__attributions.tsv
  • 14:40:47 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/nmnh_entomology__media.tsv
  • 14:40:47 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/nmnh_entomology__node_ancestors.tsv
  • 14:40:47 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/nmnh_entomology__scientific_names.tsv
  • 14:40:47 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/nmnh_entomology__nodes.tsv
  • 14:40:47 (infos) Removing trait and metadata files
  • 14:40:47 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata.tsv
  • 14:40:47 (infos) adding new metadata
  • 14:40:46 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits.tsv
  • 14:40:46 (infos) adding new traits
  • 14:40:46 (infos) removing all traits
  • 14:40:46 (warns) MISSING https://content.eol.org/data/nmnh_entomology_/publish_metadata.tsv [404] (8 bytes); skipping
  • 14:40:46 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 14:40:46 (warns) MISSING https://content.eol.org/data/nmnh_entomology_/publish_traits.tsv [404] (8 bytes); skipping
  • 14:40:46 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 14:40:46 (infos) polling for trait diff metadata: /resources/537/publish_diffs.json?since=1677624171
  • 14:40:46 (starts) #publish_traits = TraitBank::Slurp.load_resource_from_repo
  • 14:40:46 (starts) Running
  • 14:40:46 (starts) Fixing counts on 134 pages...
  • 14:40:46 (infos) 0 Articles to process (in 0 batches)
  • 14:40:46 (starts) updating 89 pages with icons e.g.: Page.find(52341453)
  • 14:40:42 (starts) import 10293 page contents e.g.: PageContent.find_by(page_id:175704,content_type:Medium,content_id:28426844)
  • 14:40:40 (infos) Batch 280/280...
  • 14:40:39 (starts) updating 168 pages with icons e.g.: Page.find(60817909)
  • 14:40:31 (starts) import 19828 page contents e.g.: PageContent.find_by(page_id:65259241,content_type:Medium,content_id:28425844)
  • 14:40:27 (infos) Batch 279/280...
  • 14:40:27 (starts) updating 170 pages with icons e.g.: Page.find(65255699)
  • 14:40:19 (starts) import 17492 page contents e.g.: PageContent.find_by(page_id:1065209,content_type:Medium,content_id:28424844)
  • 14:40:15 (infos) Batch 278/280...
  • 14:40:15 (starts) updating 65 pages with icons e.g.: Page.find(65260767)
  • 14:40:07 (starts) import 21913 page contents e.g.: PageContent.find_by(page_id:65270827,content_type:Medium,content_id:28423844)
  • 14:40:05 (infos) Batch 277/280...
  • 14:40:05 (starts) updating 120 pages with icons e.g.: Page.find(64370117)
  • 14:39:57 (starts) import 19872 page contents e.g.: PageContent.find_by(page_id:45276384,content_type:Medium,content_id:28422844)
  • 14:39:53 (infos) Batch 276/280...
  • 14:39:53 (starts) updating 134 pages with icons e.g.: Page.find(64915667)
  • 14:39:46 (starts) import 18033 page contents e.g.: PageContent.find_by(page_id:59060371,content_type:Medium,content_id:28421844)
  • 14:39:43 (infos) Batch 275/280...
  • 14:39:43 (starts) updating 29 pages with icons e.g.: Page.find(65258437)
  • 14:39:34 (starts) import 23739 page contents e.g.: PageContent.find_by(page_id:1065362,content_type:Medium,content_id:28420844)
  • 14:39:33 (infos) Batch 274/280...