
Importer le journal pour World Register of Marine Species

  • Started: June 24, 2022 09:22
  • Completed: 17:30:56
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 17:30:56 (ends) Complete
  • 17:30:56 (ends) TOTAL TIME: 8.1h
  • 17:29:31 (starts) #fix_missing_icons (just to be safe)
  • 17:29:31 (starts) Running
  • 17:29:22 (starts) #propagate_reference_ids
  • 17:29:22 (starts) Running
  • 17:28:56 (starts) TraitBank::Denormalizer.update_resource_vernaculars
  • 17:28:56 (starts) Running
  • 17:28:49 (starts) Resource#fix_native_nodes
  • 17:28:49 (starts) Running
  • 17:28:49 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_content_sections.tsv
  • 17:28:49 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_references.tsv
  • 17:28:49 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_image_info.tsv
  • 17:28:49 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_attributions.tsv
  • 17:28:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_media.tsv
  • 17:28:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_articles.tsv
  • 17:28:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_vernaculars.tsv
  • 17:28:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_node_ancestors.tsv
  • 17:28:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_scientific_names.tsv
  • 17:28:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_identifiers.tsv
  • 17:28:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_bibliographic_citations.tsv
  • 17:28:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_nodes.tsv
  • 17:28:48 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/world_reg_mar_sp_referents.tsv
  • 17:28:48 (infos) Removing trait and metadata files
  • 17:28:23 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata.tsv
  • 17:28:23 (infos) adding new metadata
  • 17:27:13 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits_1642633069_chunk_13.csv
  • 17:25:19 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits_1642633069_chunk_12.csv
  • 17:01:18 (infos) Waiting 24 minutes for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 16:59:53 (warns) FAILED on build_nodes query (Trait), will re-try once...
  • 16:59:53 (warns) The transaction has been terminated. Retry your operation in a new transaction, and you should see a successful result. The transaction has not completed within the specified timeout (dbms.transaction.timeout). You may want to retry with a longer timeout.
  • 16:59:53 (warns) Exception (Neo4j::Driver::Exceptions::ClientException) QUERY: {USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'https://eol.org/data/world_reg_mar_sp/publish_traits_1642633069_chunk_11.csv' AS row WITH row WHERE 1=1 MERGE (trait:Trait { eol_pk: row.eol_pk }) ON CREATE SET trait.resource_pk = row.resource_pk ON MATCH SET trait.resource_pk = row.resource_pk ON CREATE SET trait.source = row.source ON MATCH SET trait.source = row.source ON CREATE SET trait.literal = row.literal ON MATCH SET trait.literal = row.literal ON CREATE SET trait.measurement = row.measurement ON MATCH SET trait.measurement = row.measurement ON CREATE SET trait.scientific_name = row.scientific_name ON MATCH SET trait.scientific_name = row.scientific_name ON CREATE SET trait.normal_measurement = row.normal_measurement ON MATCH SET trait.normal_measurement = row.normal_measurement ON CREATE SET trait.sample_size = row.sample_size ON MATCH SET trait.sample_size = row.sample_size ON CREATE SET trait.citation = row.citation ON MATCH SET trait.citation = row.citation ON CREATE SET trait.remarks = row.remarks ON MATCH SET trait.remarks = row.remarks ON CREATE SET trait.method = row.method ON MATCH SET trait.method = row.method} MESSAGE: The transaction has been terminated. Retry your operation in a new transaction, and you should see a successful result. The transaction has not completed within the specified timeout (dbms.transaction.timeout). You may want to retry with a longer timeout.
  • 16:58:16 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits_1642633069_chunk_11.csv
  • 16:36:14 (infos) Waiting 22 minutes for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 16:34:47 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits_1642633069_chunk_10.csv
  • 16:14:45 (infos) Waiting 20 minutes for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 16:13:16 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits_1642633069_chunk_9.csv
  • 15:55:15 (infos) Waiting 18 minutes for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 15:53:44 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits_1642633069_chunk_8.csv
  • 15:37:43 (infos) Waiting 16 minutes for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 15:36:10 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits_1642633069_chunk_7.csv
  • 15:22:09 (infos) Waiting 14 minutes for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 15:20:38 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits_1642633069_chunk_6.csv
  • 15:08:37 (infos) Waiting 12 minutes for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 15:07:09 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits_1642633069_chunk_5.csv
  • 14:57:08 (infos) Waiting 10 minutes for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 14:55:38 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits_1642633069_chunk_4.csv
  • 14:47:37 (infos) Waiting 8 minutes for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...
  • 14:44:22 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits_1642633069_chunk_3.csv
  • 14:38:21 (infos) Waiting 6 minutes for the last 'chunk' to be added to neo4j...