Importer le journal pour Paleobiology Database
- Started: May 08, 2020 23:56
- Completed: 02:07:40
- Failed: No.
- Status: completed
Events (most recent first):
- 00:00:25 (starts) #propagate_ids NodeAncestor
- 23:58:12 (starts) #import NodeAncestor
- 23:58:11 (starts) NodeAncestor
- 23:57:50 (starts) #propagate_ids ScientificName
- 23:57:08 (starts) #import ScientificName
- 23:57:04 (starts) ScientificName
- 23:57:04 (starts) #propagate_ids Identifier
- 23:57:04 (starts) #import Identifier
- 23:57:04 (starts) Identifier
- 23:57:04 (starts) #propagate_ids BibliographicCitation
- 23:57:04 (starts) #import BibliographicCitation
- 23:57:04 (starts) BibliographicCitation
- 23:56:55 (starts) #propagate_ids Node
- 23:56:28 (starts) #import Node
- 23:56:27 (starts) Node
- 23:56:27 (starts) #propagate_ids Referent
- 23:56:27 (starts) #import Referent
- 23:56:27 (starts) Referent
- 23:56:27 (warns) All existing content has been destroyed for the resource.
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:56:27.576] Removed 327831 Nodes
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:55:41.832] Updating page node counts...
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:55:41.831] Removed 0 Attributions
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:55:41.800] Removed 4564 Vernaculars
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:55:41.385] Removed 434206 Scientificnames
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:54:25.591] Removed 0 Occurrencemaps
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:54:24.784] Removed 0 Links
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:54:24.773] Removed 0 Articles
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:54:24.771] Removed 0 Media
- 23:56:27 (warns) Removed events older than the last minute for log on 2019-12-08 04:41.
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:54:17.216] Removed 0 Imageinfos
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:54:17.187] Removed 0 Referents
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:54:17.185] Removed 0 References
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:54:17.183] Removed 0 Bibliographiccitations
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:54:15.628] Removed 0 Locations
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:54:15.626] Removed 0 Javascripts
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:54:15.595] Removed 0 Identifiers
- 23:56:27 (warns) [03:54:15.550] Removed 1443598 Nodeancestors
- 23:56:27 (warns) [00:43:33.158] Removing 2307584 traits