Importer le journal pour Microbe ecomorphological guilds
- Started: October 27, 2022 17:05
- Completed: 17:05:19
- Failed: No.
- Status: completed
Events (most recent first):
- 17:05:19 (ends) Complete
- 17:05:19 (ends) TOTAL TIME: 13.537333607s
- 17:05:19 (starts) TraitBank::Denormalizer.update_resource_vernaculars
- 17:05:19 (starts) Running
- 17:05:18 (starts) Resource#fix_native_nodes
- 17:05:18 (starts) Running
- 17:05:18 (warns) Trait Publishing failed: At @ position 126471 - there's a field starting with a quote and whereas it ends that quote there seems to be characters in that field after that ending quote. That isn't supported. This is what I read: 'Jaške, K., Barcytė, D., Pánek, T., Ševčíková, T., Eliášová, A., Eliáš, M., 2022. The net-like heterotrophic amoeba Leukarachnion salinum sp. nov. (Ochrophyta, Stramenopiles) has a cryptic plastid. bioRxiv.",,,,,, R1187-PK279498833,59245713,Rhodelphis,827e252a2b17409cf61cf1ec8ad65563_1664478464,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"BB' FROM /usr/local/bundle/bundler/gems/neo4j-ruby-driver-fe5438fb945d/ffi/neo4j/driver/internal/handlers/response_handler.rb:38:in `check_summary_failure' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:559:in `merge_triple' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:444:in `block in load_csv_where' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:444:in `each' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:444:in `load_csv_where' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:331:in `block (2 levels) in load_csv'
- 17:05:18 (warns) Exception (Neo4j::Driver::Exceptions::DatabaseException) FROM: #merge_triple QUERY: {USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row WITH row WHERE 1=1 MATCH (page:Page { page_id: toInteger(row.page_id) }) MATCH (trait:Trait { eol_pk: row.eol_pk })}
- 17:05:18 (warns) Exception (Neo4j::Driver::Exceptions::DatabaseException) QUERY: {USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row WITH row WHERE 1=1 MATCH (page:Page { page_id: toInteger(row.page_id) }) MATCH (trait:Trait { eol_pk: row.eol_pk }) MERGE (page)-[:trait]->(trait)} MESSAGE: At @ position 126471 - there's a field starting with a quote and whereas it ends that quote there seems to be characters in that field after that ending quote. That isn't supported. This is what I read: 'Jaške, K., Barcytė, D., Pánek, T., Ševčíková, T., Eliášová, A., Eliáš, M., 2022. The net-like heterotrophic amoeba Leukarachnion salinum sp. nov. (Ochrophyta, Stramenopiles) has a cryptic plastid. bioRxiv.",,,,,, R1187-PK279498833,59245713,Rhodelphis,827e252a2b17409cf61cf1ec8ad65563_1664478464,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"BB'
- 17:05:18 (warns) Exception (Neo4j::Driver::Exceptions::DatabaseException) QUERY: {USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row WITH row WHERE 1=1 MERGE (trait:Trait { eol_pk: row.eol_pk }) ON CREATE SET trait.resource_pk = row.resource_pk ON MATCH SET trait.resource_pk = row.resource_pk ON CREATE SET trait.source = row.source ON MATCH SET trait.source = row.source ON CREATE SET trait.literal = row.literal ON MATCH SET trait.literal = row.literal ON CREATE SET trait.measurement = row.measurement ON MATCH SET trait.measurement = row.measurement ON CREATE SET trait.scientific_name = row.scientific_name ON MATCH SET trait.scientific_name = row.scientific_name ON CREATE SET trait.normal_measurement = row.normal_measurement ON MATCH SET trait.normal_measurement = row.normal_measurement ON CREATE SET trait.sample_size = row.sample_size ON MATCH SET trait.sample_size = row.sample_size ON CREATE SET trait.citation = row.citation ON MATCH SET trait.citation = row.citation ON CREATE SET trait.remarks = row.remarks ON MATCH SET trait.remarks = row.remarks ON CREATE SET trait.method = row.method ON MATCH SET trait.method = row.method} MESSAGE: At @ position 126471 - there's a field starting with a quote and whereas it ends that quote there seems to be characters in that field after that ending quote. That isn't supported. This is what I read: 'Jaške, K., Barcytė, D., Pánek, T., Ševčíková, T., Eliášová, A., Eliáš, M., 2022. The net-like heterotrophic amoeba Leukarachnion salinum sp. nov. (Ochrophyta, Stramenopiles) has a cryptic plastid. bioRxiv.",,,,,, R1187-PK279498833,59245713,Rhodelphis,827e252a2b17409cf61cf1ec8ad65563_1664478464,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"BB'
- 17:05:18 (warns) FAILED on build_nodes query (Trait), will re-try once...
- 17:05:18 (warns) At @ position 126471 - there's a field starting with a quote and whereas it ends that quote there seems to be characters in that field after that ending quote. That isn't supported. This is what I read: 'Jaške, K., Barcytė, D., Pánek, T., Ševčíková, T., Eliášová, A., Eliáš, M., 2022. The net-like heterotrophic amoeba Leukarachnion salinum sp. nov. (Ochrophyta, Stramenopiles) has a cryptic plastid. bioRxiv.",,,,,, R1187-PK279498833,59245713,Rhodelphis,827e252a2b17409cf61cf1ec8ad65563_1664478464,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"BB'
- 17:05:18 (warns) Exception (Neo4j::Driver::Exceptions::DatabaseException) QUERY: {USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row WITH row WHERE 1=1 MERGE (trait:Trait { eol_pk: row.eol_pk }) ON CREATE SET trait.resource_pk = row.resource_pk ON MATCH SET trait.resource_pk = row.resource_pk ON CREATE SET trait.source = row.source ON MATCH SET trait.source = row.source ON CREATE SET trait.literal = row.literal ON MATCH SET trait.literal = row.literal ON CREATE SET trait.measurement = row.measurement ON MATCH SET trait.measurement = row.measurement ON CREATE SET trait.scientific_name = row.scientific_name ON MATCH SET trait.scientific_name = row.scientific_name ON CREATE SET trait.normal_measurement = row.normal_measurement ON MATCH SET trait.normal_measurement = row.normal_measurement ON CREATE SET trait.sample_size = row.sample_size ON MATCH SET trait.sample_size = row.sample_size ON CREATE SET trait.citation = row.citation ON MATCH SET trait.citation = row.citation ON CREATE SET trait.remarks = row.remarks ON MATCH SET trait.remarks = row.remarks ON CREATE SET trait.method = row.method ON MATCH SET trait.method = row.method} MESSAGE: At @ position 126471 - there's a field starting with a quote and whereas it ends that quote there seems to be characters in that field after that ending quote. That isn't supported. This is what I read: 'Jaške, K., Barcytė, D., Pánek, T., Ševčíková, T., Eliášová, A., Eliáš, M., 2022. The net-like heterotrophic amoeba Leukarachnion salinum sp. nov. (Ochrophyta, Stramenopiles) has a cryptic plastid. bioRxiv.",,,,,, R1187-PK279498833,59245713,Rhodelphis,827e252a2b17409cf61cf1ec8ad65563_1664478464,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"BB'
- 17:05:18 (warns) Exception (Neo4j::Driver::Exceptions::DatabaseException) QUERY: {USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row WITH row WHERE 1=1 MERGE (page:Page { page_id: toInteger(row.page_id) })} MESSAGE: At @ position 126471 - there's a field starting with a quote and whereas it ends that quote there seems to be characters in that field after that ending quote. That isn't supported. This is what I read: 'Jaške, K., Barcytė, D., Pánek, T., Ševčíková, T., Eliášová, A., Eliáš, M., 2022. The net-like heterotrophic amoeba Leukarachnion salinum sp. nov. (Ochrophyta, Stramenopiles) has a cryptic plastid. bioRxiv.",,,,,, R1187-PK279498833,59245713,Rhodelphis,827e252a2b17409cf61cf1ec8ad65563_1664478464,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"BB'
- 17:05:18 (warns) FAILED on build_nodes query (Page), will re-try once...
- 17:05:18 (warns) At @ position 126471 - there's a field starting with a quote and whereas it ends that quote there seems to be characters in that field after that ending quote. That isn't supported. This is what I read: 'Jaške, K., Barcytė, D., Pánek, T., Ševčíková, T., Eliášová, A., Eliáš, M., 2022. The net-like heterotrophic amoeba Leukarachnion salinum sp. nov. (Ochrophyta, Stramenopiles) has a cryptic plastid. bioRxiv.",,,,,, R1187-PK279498833,59245713,Rhodelphis,827e252a2b17409cf61cf1ec8ad65563_1664478464,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"BB'
- 17:05:18 (warns) Exception (Neo4j::Driver::Exceptions::DatabaseException) QUERY: {USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row WITH row WHERE 1=1 MERGE (page:Page { page_id: toInteger(row.page_id) })} MESSAGE: At @ position 126471 - there's a field starting with a quote and whereas it ends that quote there seems to be characters in that field after that ending quote. That isn't supported. This is what I read: 'Jaške, K., Barcytė, D., Pánek, T., Ševčíková, T., Eliášová, A., Eliáš, M., 2022. The net-like heterotrophic amoeba Leukarachnion salinum sp. nov. (Ochrophyta, Stramenopiles) has a cryptic plastid. bioRxiv.",,,,,, R1187-PK279498833,59245713,Rhodelphis,827e252a2b17409cf61cf1ec8ad65563_1664478464,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"BB'
- 17:05:16 (infos) Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits.tsv
- 17:05:16 (infos) adding new traits
- 17:05:16 (infos) removing all traits
- 17:05:16 (infos) Connecting to ...
- 17:05:15 (infos) Connecting to ...
- 17:05:15 (infos) polling for trait diff metadata: /resources/1187/publish_diffs.json
- 17:05:15 (starts) #publish_traits = TraitBank::Slurp.load_resource_from_repo
- 17:05:15 (starts) Running
- 17:05:15 (warns) There were NO new pages, skipping...
- 17:05:14 (starts) create_new_pages
- 17:05:14 (starts) PageCreator
- 17:05:14 (starts) Running
- 17:05:14 (starts) restoring vernacular preferences...
- 17:05:14 (starts) Running
- 17:05:14 (warns) MISSING [404] (8 bytes); skipping
- 17:05:13 (infos) Connecting to ...
- 17:05:13 (starts) #grab_file content_sections.tsv
- 17:05:13 (starts) Running
- 17:05:13 (starts) #import_and_prop_ids ContentSection
- 17:05:13 (starts) Running
- 17:05:13 (warns) MISSING [404] (8 bytes); skipping
- 17:05:13 (infos) Connecting to ...
- 17:05:13 (starts) #grab_file references.tsv
- 17:05:13 (starts) Running
- 17:05:13 (starts) #import_and_prop_ids Reference
- 17:05:13 (starts) Running
- 17:05:13 (warns) MISSING [404] (8 bytes); skipping
- 17:05:13 (infos) Connecting to ...
- 17:05:13 (starts) #grab_file image_info.tsv
- 17:05:13 (starts) Running
- 17:05:13 (starts) #import_and_prop_ids ImageInfo
- 17:05:13 (starts) Running
- 17:05:13 (warns) MISSING [404] (8 bytes); skipping