
Gammaherpesvirinae ( allemand )

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Die Gammaherpesvirinae bilden eine Unterfamilie der Virusfamilie Herpesviridae. Aufgrund ihrer besonderen Eigenschaft, bei der Vermehrung in Lymphozyten diese zur Teilung anzuregen, werden die Gammaherpesvirinae auch als „Lymphoproliferative Virusgruppe“ bezeichnet. Mitbedingt durch diese Eigenschaft können Gammaherpesviren im Gegensatz zu Alpha- und Betaherpesviren maligne Erkrankungen mit-auslösen (z. B. EBV: Burkitt-Lymphom, HHV-8: Kaposi-Sarkom).

Sie besteht aus folgenden Gattungen (mit wichtigsten Virusspezies, Stand März 2019):[2]

  • keiner Gattung zugewiesene Spezies innerhalb der Unterfamilie Gammaherpesvirinae:


  • Subfamily Gammherpesvirinae. In: A. M. Q. King, M. J. Adams, E. B. Carstens, E. J. Lefkowitz (eds.): Virus Taxonomy. Ninth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Amsterdam 2012 ISBN 978-0-12-384684-6 S. 118ff


  1. a b c d e ICTV:ICTV Taxonomy history: Human alphaherpesvirus 1, EC 51, Berlin, Germany, July 2019; Email ratification March 2020 (MSL #35)
  2. ICTV: Master Species List 2018b.v2 MSL #34v, März 2019
  3. gerne verschrieben als ‚Acephaline herpesvirus‘(sic!) oder ‚Acelaphine herpesvirus‘(sic!)
  4. Andrew J. Davison, Richard Eberle, Bernhard Ehlers, Gary S. Hayward, Duncan J. McGeoch: The order Herpesvirales. In: Archives of Virology. Band 154, Nr. 1, 9. Dezember 2008, ISSN 0304-8608, S. 171–177, doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0278-4, PMID 19066710, PMC 3552636 (freier Volltext) – (springer.com [abgerufen am 19. Dezember 2016]).
  5. Andrew J. Davison, Richard Eberle, Bernhard Ehlers, Gary S. Hayward, Duncan J. McGeoch: The order Herpesvirales. In: Archives of Virology. Band 154, Nr. 1, 9. Dezember 2008, ISSN 0304-8608, S. 171–177, doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0278-4, PMID 19066710, PMC 3552636 (freier Volltext) – (springer.com [abgerufen am 19. Dezember 2016]).
  6. Andrew J. Davison, Richard Eberle, Bernhard Ehlers, Gary S. Hayward, Duncan J. McGeoch: The order Herpesvirales. In: Archives of Virology. Band 154, Nr. 1, 9. Dezember 2008, ISSN 0304-8608, S. 171–177, doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0278-4, PMID 19066710, PMC 3552636 (freier Volltext) – (springer.com [abgerufen am 19. Dezember 2016]).
  7. Andrew J. Davison, Richard Eberle, Bernhard Ehlers, Gary S. Hayward, Duncan J. McGeoch: The order Herpesvirales. In: Archives of Virology. Band 154, Nr. 1, 9. Dezember 2008, ISSN 0304-8608, S. 171–177, doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0278-4, PMID 19066710, PMC 3552636 (freier Volltext) – (springer.com [abgerufen am 19. Dezember 2016]).
  8. Andrew J. Davison, Richard Eberle, Bernhard Ehlers, Gary S. Hayward, Duncan J. McGeoch: The order Herpesvirales. In: Archives of Virology. Band 154, Nr. 1, 9. Dezember 2008, ISSN 0304-8608, S. 171–177, doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0278-4, PMID 19066710, PMC 3552636 (freier Volltext) – (springer.com [abgerufen am 19. Dezember 2016]).
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Gammaherpesvirinae: Brief Summary ( allemand )

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Die Gammaherpesvirinae bilden eine Unterfamilie der Virusfamilie Herpesviridae. Aufgrund ihrer besonderen Eigenschaft, bei der Vermehrung in Lymphozyten diese zur Teilung anzuregen, werden die Gammaherpesvirinae auch als „Lymphoproliferative Virusgruppe“ bezeichnet. Mitbedingt durch diese Eigenschaft können Gammaherpesviren im Gegensatz zu Alpha- und Betaherpesviren maligne Erkrankungen mit-auslösen (z. B. EBV: Burkitt-Lymphom, HHV-8: Kaposi-Sarkom).

Sie besteht aus folgenden Gattungen (mit wichtigsten Virusspezies, Stand März 2019):

Genus Lymphocryptovirus Spezies Callitrichine gammaherpesvirus 3 (alias Krallenaffen-Herpesvirus 1, CavlHV-1) Spezies Cercopithecine gammaherpesvirus 14 (infiziert Backentaschenaffen) Spezies Gorilline gammaherpesvirus 1 (alias Gorilla-Herpesvirus, Pongines Herpesvirus 3, PoHV-3) Spezies Human gammaherpesvirus 4 (alias Humanes Herpesvirus 4, Epstein-Barr-Virus, EBV, Typusspezies) Spezies Macacine gammaherpesvirus 4 (infiziert Makaken) Spezies Macacine gammaherpesvirus 10 (infiziert Makaken) Spezies Panine gammaherpesvirus 1 (alias Schimpansen-Herpesvirus, Pongines Herpesvirus 1, PoHV-1) Spezies Papiine gammaherpesvirus 1 (infiziert Paviane) Spezies Pongine gammaherpesvirus 2 (alias Orang-Utan-Herpesvirus, Pongines Herpesvirus 2, PoHV-2) Genus Macavirus Spezies Alcelaphine gammaherpesvirus 1 (alias Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1, Typusspezies) Spezies Alcelaphine gammaherpesvirus 2 (alias Alcelaphine herpesvirus 2) Spezies Bovine gammaherpesvirus 6 Spezies Caprine gammaherpesvirus 2 Spezies Hippotragine gammaherpesvirus 1 Spezies Ovine gammaherpesvirus 2 Spezies Suid gammaherpesvirus 3 (alias Suid Herpesvirus 3, SuHV3) Spezies Suid gammaherpesvirus 4 (alias Suid Herpesvirus 4, SuHV4) Spezies Suid gammaherpesvirus 5 (alias Suid Herpesvirus 5, SuHV5) Genus Percavirus Spezies Equid gammaherpesvirus 2 (alias Equines Herpesvirus 2, EHV2, Typusspezies) Spezies Equid gammaherpesvirus 5 (alias Equines Herpesvirus 5 (EHV5)) Spezies Felid gammaherpesvirus 1 Spezies Mustelid gammaherpesvirus 1 Spezies Phocid gammaherpesvirus 3 Spezies Vespertilionid gammaherpesvirus 1 Genus Rhadinovirus Spezies Ateline gammaherpesvirus 2 Spezies Ateline gammaherpesvirus 3 Spezies Bovine gammaherpesvirus 4 (alias Bovines Herpesvirus 4, BoHV-4, mit Movar-Virus) Spezies Cricetid gammaherpesvirus 2 Spezies Human gammaherpesvirus 8 (alias Humanes Herpesvirus 8, HHV-8) Spezies Macacine gammaherpesvirus 5 Spezies Macacine gammaherpesvirus 8 Spezies Macacine gammaherpesvirus 11 Spezies Macacine gammaherpesvirus 12 Spezies Murid gammaherpesvirus 4 Spezies Murid gammaherpesvirus 7 Spezies Saimiriine gammaherpesvirus 2 (alias Herpesvirus saimiri 2, SaHV-2, Typusspezies) keiner Gattung zugewiesene Spezies innerhalb der Unterfamilie Gammaherpesvirinae: Spezies Equid gammaherpesvirus 7 Spezies Phocid gammaherpesvirus 2 Spezies Saguinine gammaherpesvirus 1
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Gammaherpesvirinae ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Gammaherpesvirinae is a subfamily of viruses in the order Herpesvirales and in the family Herpesviridae. Viruses in Gammaherpesvirinae are distinguished by reproducing at a more variable rate than other subfamilies of Herpesviridae. Mammals serve as natural hosts. There are 43 species in this subfamily, divided among 7 genera with three species unassigned to a genus. Diseases associated with this subfamily include: HHV-4: infectious mononucleosis. HHV-8: Kaposi's sarcoma.[1][2]


Herpesviruses represent a group of double-stranded DNA viruses distributed widely within the animal kingdom. The family Herpesviridae, which contains eight viruses that infect humans, is the most extensively studied group within this order and comprises three subfamilies, namely Alphaherpesvirinae, Betaherpesvirinae and Gammaherpesvirinae.

Within the Gammaherpesvirinae there are a number of unclassified viruses including Cynomys herpesvirus 1 (CynGHV-1)[3] Elephantid herpesvirus 3, Elephantid herpesvirus 4, Elephantid herpesvirus 5, Procavid herpesvirus 1, Trichechid herpesvirus 1[4] and Common bottlenose dolphin gammaherpesvirus 1.[5]


Gammaherpesvirinae consists of the following seven genera:[2]

Additionally, the following three species are unassigned to a genus:[2]


Viruses in Gammaherpesvirinae are enveloped, with icosahedral, spherical to pleomorphic, and round geometries, and T=16 symmetry. The diameter is around 150-200 nm. Genomes are linear and non-segmented, around 180kb in length.[1]

Life cycle

The main stages in the lifecycle of Gamma herpes virus are namely
•Virus attachment and entry
•Viral DNA injection through nuclear pore complex (NPC) into nucleus
•Assembly of nucleocapsids and encapsidation of viral genome
•Primary envelopment, invaginations of nuclear membranes and nuclear egress
•Tegumentation and secondary envelopment in the cytoplasm
•Egress and extracellular virions release [6][7]

Lytic cycle

The lytic cycle of the gammaherpesviruses is initiated only on rare occasions.[7][8] Therefore, the least contribution to pathogenicity has to be expected from this stage. The ORFs expressed during that stage are further divided into immediate-early, early, and late. Promoter activation mediated by these proteins has also a strong effect on DNA synthesis from the origins of lytic DNA replication. As a result, virions are generated and released from the productively infected cells.[9]

Immune evasion strategies

Viruses that establish lifelong latent infections must ensure that the viral genome is maintained within the latently infected cell throughout the life of the host, yet at the same time must also be capable of avoiding elimination by the immune surveillance system especially must avoid being detected by host CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). The gamma-herpesviruses are characteristically latent in lymphocytes and drive the proliferation that requires the expression of latent viral antigens.[10] The majority of gammaherpesviruses encode a specific protein that is critical for maintenance of the viral genome within latently infected cells termed the genome maintenance protein (GMP). During latency, the genome persists in the nucleus of the infected cells as a circular episomal element. GMPs are DNA-binding proteins that ensure that, as the host cell progresses through mitosis, the viral episomes are partitioned to daughter cells. This provides continuous existence of the viral genome within the host cells.[11][12]

MHV68 in genetically modified mice is used as a model for studying infection and host responses. Stable lifelong latency is a hallmark of the chronic phase of MHV68 infection. The spleen is a major infection site. The episomal maintenance protein for MHV68 is a latency-associated nuclear antigen (mLANA; ORF73). M2 protein mediates signaling pathways of infected B cells by interacting with SH2- and SH3-containing proteins. Host factors have been identified that can promote or antagonize MHV68 latency and reactivation.[7]

Human health

Gammaherpesviruses are of primary interest due to the two human viruses, EBV (Epstein–Barr virus) and KSHV (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) and the diseases they cause. The gammaherpesviruses replicate and persist in lymphoid cells but some are capable of undergoing lytic replication in epithelial or fibroblast cells. Gammaherpesviruses may be a cause of chronic fibrotic lung diseases in humans and in animals.[13]

Murid herpesvirus 68 is an important model system for the study of gammaherpesviruses with tractable genetics.[7] The gammaherpesviruses, including HVS, EBV, KSHV, and RRV, are capable of establishing latent infection in lymphocytes.[11]

Attenuated virus mutants represent a promising approach towards gamma-herpesvirus infection control. Surprisingly, latency-deficient and, therefore, apathogenic MHV-68 mutants are found to be highly effective vaccines against these viruses.[10] Research in this area is almost exclusively performed using MHV68 as KSHV and EBV (the major human pathogens of this family) do not productively infect model organisms typically used for this type of experimentation.

Growth de-regulating genes

Herpesviruses have large genomes containing a wide array of genes. Although the first ORF in these gammaherpesviruses have oncogenic potential, other viral genes may also play a role in viral transformation. A striking feature of the four gammaherpesviruses is that they contain distinct ORFs involved in lymphocyte signaling events. At the left end of each viral genome are located ORFs encoding distinct transforming proteins. Gammaherpesvirus genes are capable of modulating cellular signals such that cell proliferation and viral replication occur at the appropriate times in the viral life cycle.[11]


  1. ^ a b "Viral Zone". ExPASy. Retrieved 15 June 2015.
  2. ^ a b c "Virus Taxonomy: 2020 Release". International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). March 2021. Retrieved 10 May 2021.
  3. ^ Nagamine B, Jones L, Tellgren-Roth C, Cavender J, Bratanich AC (2011) A novel gammaherpesvirus isolated from a black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus). Arch Virol
  4. ^ Wellehan JF, Johnson AJ, Childress AL, Harr KE, Isaza R (2008) Six novel gammaherpesviruses of Afrotheria provide insight into the early divergence of the Gammaherpesvirinae. Vet Microbiol 127(3-4):249-257
  5. ^ Davison AJ, Subramaniam K, Kerr K, Jacob JM, Landrau-Giovannetti N, Walsh MT, Wells RS, Waltzek TB (2017) Genome sequence of a gammaherpesvirus from a common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Genome Announc 5(31)
  6. ^ Peng, L.; Ryazantsev, S.; Sun, R.; Zhou, Z. H. (2010). "Three-Dimensional Visualization of Gammaherpesvirus Life Cycle in Host Cells by Electron Tomography". Structure. 18 (1): 47–58. doi:10.1016/j.str.2009.10.017. PMC 2866045. PMID 20152152.
  7. ^ a b c d Wang, Yiping; Tibbetts, Scott A.; Krug, Laurie T. (29 September 2021). "Conquering the Host: Determinants of Pathogenesis Learned from Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68". Annual Review of Virology. 8 (1): 349–371. doi:10.1146/annurev-virology-011921-082615. ISSN 2327-056X. PMID 34586873.
  8. ^ Oehmig, A.; Fraefel, C.; Breakefield, X. (2004). "Update on herpesvirus amplicon vectors". Mol Ther. 10 (4): 630–643. doi:10.1016/j.ymthe.2004.06.641. PMID 15451447. Retrieved 10 November 2021.
  9. ^ Ackermann, M. (2006). "Pathogenesis of gammaherpesvirus infections". Veterinary Microbiology. 113 (3–4): 211–222. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2005.11.008. PMID 16332416.
  10. ^ a b Stevenson, P. G. (2004). "Immune evasion by gamma-herpesviruses". Current Opinion in Immunology. 16 (4): 456–462. doi:10.1016/j.coi.2004.05.002. PMID 15245739.
  11. ^ a b c Blake, N. (2010). "Immune evasion by gammaherpesvirus genome maintenance proteins". Journal of General Virology. 91 (4): 829–846. doi:10.1099/vir.0.018242-0. PMID 20089802.
  12. ^ Sorel, Océane; Dewals, Benjamin G. (2019). "The Critical Role of Genome Maintenance Proteins in Immune Evasion During Gammaherpesvirus Latency". Frontiers in Microbiology. 9: 3315. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.03315. ISSN 1664-302X. PMC 6333680. PMID 30687291.
  13. ^ Williams, KJ (March 2014). "Gammaherpesviruses and Pulmonary Fibrosis: Evidence From Humans, Horses, and Rodents". Veterinary Pathology. 51 (2): 372–384. doi:10.1177/0300985814521838. PMID 24569614. S2CID 22704874.

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Gammaherpesvirinae: Brief Summary ( anglais )

fourni par wikipedia EN

Gammaherpesvirinae is a subfamily of viruses in the order Herpesvirales and in the family Herpesviridae. Viruses in Gammaherpesvirinae are distinguished by reproducing at a more variable rate than other subfamilies of Herpesviridae. Mammals serve as natural hosts. There are 43 species in this subfamily, divided among 7 genera with three species unassigned to a genus. Diseases associated with this subfamily include: HHV-4: infectious mononucleosis. HHV-8: Kaposi's sarcoma.

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Gammaherpesvirinae ( espagnol ; castillan )

fourni par wikipedia ES

Los Gammaherpesvirinae son una Subfamilia de virus ADN de vertebrados de la familia Herpesviridae linfoproliferante, con la peculiaridad de vivir en latencia en linfocitos B.[1]​ Entre las especies de los gammaherpesvirinae, se encuentran virus que infectan animales, incluyendo humanos:

Gallid Herpesvirus 1
Gallid Herpesvirus 2
Herpesvirus Humano 4
Herpesvirus Humano 8 (Sarcoma de Kaposi, entre otros)
Herpesvirus Leporino 1


  1. INSTITUTO DE HIGIENE. Universidad de la República - Facultad de Medicina. Montevideo - Uruguay. [1]
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Gammaherpesvirinae: Brief Summary ( espagnol ; castillan )

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Los Gammaherpesvirinae son una Subfamilia de virus ADN de vertebrados de la familia Herpesviridae linfoproliferante, con la peculiaridad de vivir en latencia en linfocitos B.​ Entre las especies de los gammaherpesvirinae, se encuentran virus que infectan animales, incluyendo humanos:

Gallid Herpesvirus 1 Gallid Herpesvirus 2 Herpesvirus Humano 4 Herpesvirus Humano 8 (Sarcoma de Kaposi, entre otros) Herpesvirus Leporino 1
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Gammaherpesvirinae ( indonésien )

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Gammaherpesvirinae adalah subfamili Herpesviridae yang dimusnahkan dengan reproduksi pada rata yang lebih variabel daripada subfamili Herpesviridae lainnya.

Contohnya adalah:

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Gammaherpesvirinae: Brief Summary ( indonésien )

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Gammaherpesvirinae adalah subfamili Herpesviridae yang dimusnahkan dengan reproduksi pada rata yang lebih variabel daripada subfamili Herpesviridae lainnya.

Contohnya adalah:

Limfokriptovirus Rhadinovirus
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Gammaherpesvirinae ( italien )

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Gammaherpesvirinae è una sottofamiglia di virus della famiglia Herpesviridae. Fa parte di questa categoria il virus di Epstein-Barr e l'herpesvirus umano 8 (HHV-8).

Per quanto riguarda la latenza sono linfotropici.

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Gammaherpesvirus ( norvégien )

fourni par wikipedia NN

Gammaherpesvirus (Gammaherpesvirinae) er ein underfamilie av herpesvirus med fire slekter. Dei har pattedyr som vertar. Epstein-Barr-viruset og Kaposi-sarkom-assosiert herpesvirus er døme på gammaherpesvirus.[1]

Gammaherpesvirus føretrekkjer lymfocyttar som vertsseller.[2] Dei ser òg ut til å føretrekkja løynde infeksjonar over lytisk øksling, der genomet til viruset finst i cytoplasma i form av eit sirkulært DNA-molekyl.[3]

Gammaherpesvirusa kodar alle for tegumentprotein med domene som er homologe til enzymet fosforibosylformylglysinamid-amidotransferase (FGARAT). Korkje alfaherpesvirusa eller betaherpesvirusa har ein slik homologi. Dei FGARAT-homologe virusproteina spelar ei rolle i uverksamgjeringa av antivirusvern i vertssella.[4]


  1. Davison, Andrew J; Eberle, Richard; Ehlers, Bernhard; Hayward, Gary S; McGeoch, Duncan J; Minson, Anthony C; Pellett, Philip E; Roizman, Bernard; Studdert, Michael J; Thiry, Etienne (2008). «The order Herpesvirales». Archives of Virology 154 (1): 171–7. PMC 3552636. PMID 19066710. doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0278-4.
  2. Speck, Samuel H; Ganem, Don (2010). «Viral Latency and Its Regulation: Lessons from the γ-Herpesviruses». Cell Host & Microbe 8: 100. doi:10.1016/j.chom.2010.06.014.
  3. Ackermann, Mathias (2006). «Pathogenesis of gammaherpesvirus infections». Veterinary Microbiology 113 (3–4): 211–22. PMID 16332416. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2005.11.008.
  4. Tsai, Kevin; Messick, Troy E; Lieberman, Paul M (2015). «Disruption of host antiviral resistances by gammaherpesvirus tegument proteins with homology to the FGARAT purine biosynthesis enzyme». Current Opinion in Virology 14: 30–40. PMC 4628856. PMID 26256000. doi:10.1016/j.coviro.2015.07.008.
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Gammaherpesvirus: Brief Summary ( norvégien )

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Gammaherpesvirus (Gammaherpesvirinae) er ein underfamilie av herpesvirus med fire slekter. Dei har pattedyr som vertar. Epstein-Barr-viruset og Kaposi-sarkom-assosiert herpesvirus er døme på gammaherpesvirus.

Gammaherpesvirus føretrekkjer lymfocyttar som vertsseller. Dei ser òg ut til å føretrekkja løynde infeksjonar over lytisk øksling, der genomet til viruset finst i cytoplasma i form av eit sirkulært DNA-molekyl.

Gammaherpesvirusa kodar alle for tegumentprotein med domene som er homologe til enzymet fosforibosylformylglysinamid-amidotransferase (FGARAT). Korkje alfaherpesvirusa eller betaherpesvirusa har ein slik homologi. Dei FGARAT-homologe virusproteina spelar ei rolle i uverksamgjeringa av antivirusvern i vertssella.

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Гаммагерпесвирусы ( russe )

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Класс: incertae sedis
Порядок: Herpesvirales
Семейство: Герпесвирусы
Подсемейство: Гаммагерпесвирусы
Международное научное название


Группа по Балтимору

I: дцДНК-вирусы

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
NCBI 10374EOL 9157851

Гаммагерпесвирусы[2] или γ-герпесвирусы (лат. Gammaherpesvirinae) — подсемейство вирусов, входящее в семейство герпесвирусов.

Гаммагерпесвирусы имеют ограниченный круг хозяев, проявляют специфичность к Т-лимфоцитам или В-лимфоцитам. В латентном состоянии обнаруживаются в лимфоидной ткани, репликация in vitro происходит в лимфобластоидных клетках. Вирусы этого подсемейства могут вызывать злокачественные новообразования.


По данным Международного комитета по таксономии вирусов (ICTV), на май 2016 г. в подсемейство включают следующие роды[3]:


  1. Таксономия вирусов (англ.) на сайте Международного комитета по таксономии вирусов (ICTV).
  2. 1 2 Сергеев В. А., Непоклонов Е. А., Алипер Т. И. Вирусы и вирусные вакцины. — М. : Библионика, 2007. — С. 296. — ISBN 5-98685-012-2.
  3. Таксономия вирусов (англ.) на сайте Международного комитета по таксономии вирусов (ICTV). (Проверено 28 июня 2016).

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Гаммагерпесвирусы: Brief Summary ( russe )

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Гаммагерпесвирусы или γ-герпесвирусы (лат. Gammaherpesvirinae) — подсемейство вирусов, входящее в семейство герпесвирусов.

Гаммагерпесвирусы имеют ограниченный круг хозяев, проявляют специфичность к Т-лимфоцитам или В-лимфоцитам. В латентном состоянии обнаруживаются в лимфоидной ткани, репликация in vitro происходит в лимфобластоидных клетках. Вирусы этого подсемейства могут вызывать злокачественные новообразования.

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ガンマヘルペスウイルス亜科 ( japonais )

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ガンマヘルペスウイルス亜科 分類(ウイルス) : 第1群(2本鎖DNA) : ヘルペスウイルス目
Herpesvirales : ヘルペスウイルス科
Herpesviridae 亜科 : ガンマヘルペスウイルス亜科 学名 Gammaherpesvirinae






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ガンマヘルペスウイルス亜科: Brief Summary ( japonais )

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リンホクリプトウイルス ラジノウイルス マカウイルス ペルカウイルス
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