Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 45.A–F Eresus spp., scanning electron micrographs. A–D Eresus sandaliatus female from SE of Silkeborg, Denmark (CASENT 9039243, CAS) E Eresus kollari female from Srbsko, Czechia (MR016, MR) F Eresus kollari male from Prague, Czechia (MR007, MR) A epigynum, ventral view B vulva, dorsal view C left spermathecal head D detail, left spermatheca E trichobothria, left tibia I F epiandrous region. ML median lobe S spermatheca SH spermathecal head.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 19.A–J Adonea fimbriata. A–D, I–J male from Algeria-Morocco (MR012, MR) E–H female from Mehav Am village, Israel (MR003, MR) A–D habitus of male, photomicrographs E–H habitus of female photomicrographs I, J illustrations of left male palp A, E dorsal view B, F ventral view C, G anterior view. D, H lateral view I prolateral view J retrolateral view. C conductor E embolus ST subtegulum T tegulum.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 68.A–J males of Paradonea striatipes and Paradonea splendens. A–C, G, H Paradonea striatipes, male from Otjivasandu, Namibia (NMN) D–F, I, J Paradonea splendens, male from Sunnyside, South Africa (C1076, SAM) A–F habitus of male, photomicrographs G–J illustrations of left male palp A, D dorsal view B, E ventral view C, F anterior view G, I prolateral view H, J retrolateral view. C conductor E embolus ST subtegulum T tegulum.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 28.A–D Dorceus fastuosus, male from Mashabin sand dunes, Israel (MR006, HUJ), scanning electron micrographs. A prosoma, anterior view B left chelicerae, lateral view C chelicerae, anterior distal view showing fangs and teeth D epiandrous region.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 46.A–F Eresus kollari from Srbsko, Czechia (MR016, MR), scanning electron micrographs of female. A prosoma, anterior view B left cheliceral boss C detail of carapace texture D tarsal organ, left leg I E calamistrum, left metatarsus IV F detail, calamistrum seta, left metatarsus IV.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 56.A–F Gandanameno sp., scanning electron micrographs of prosoma and chelicerae. A–D male from Harare, Zimbabwe (AcAT 2005/123, NCA) E, F male from Hanover, South Africa (SAM 9465, SAM) A prosoma, anterior view, arrow indicates clypeal hood B prosoma, lateral view C, E left chelicerae, lateral view, arrow in E indicates cheliceral boss D detail of left chelicerae showing absence of cheliceral boss F detail of left chelicerae showing cheliceral boss.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 34.A–F Dresserus sp. A–E male from Mazumbai, Tanzania (CASENT 9025746, CAS), scanning electron micrographs of right palp, images reversed to appear as left palp F female from Klein Kariba, South Africa (CASENT 9025745, CAS), scanning electron micrographs of left chelicera A prolateral view B retrolateral view C ventral view D apical view E palpal tibia, dorsal view F distal part of chelicerae showing fang and teeth. C conductor E embolus T tegulum.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 92.A–F, Stegodyphus sarasinorum, scanning electron micrographs of female from 7.5 km E PwintPhyu, Magway Division, Myanmar (CASENT 9019370, CAS). A tarsal organ indicated by arrow, left leg I B trichobothrium, left metatarsus I C tarsal claws, left legI retrolateral view D calamistrum, left metatarsus IV E detail of calamistrum setae F left female palp, retrolateral view.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 25.A–F Adonea fimbriata, scanning electron micrographs. A–C male from Algeria-Morocco (MR012, MR) D–F female from Mehav Am village, Israel (MR003, MR) A–C spinnerets and vestigial cribellum. D–F legs of female A detail of spigots on right male ALS B vestigial cribellum C detail of vestigial cribellum D trichobothrium, left metatarsus I E calamistrum, right metatarsus IV F detail, calamistrum seta, right metatarsus IV. MAP major ampullate gland spigot.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 38.A–F Dresserus sp., female from Klein Kariba, South Africa (CASENT 9025745, CAS), scanning electron micrographs of legs A tarsal organ, left leg I B trichobothrium, left leg I C tarsal claw, left leg I setae removed D left metatarsus IV, retrolateral view, showing calamistrum E detail of calimistrum F detail of teeth on calimistrum setae.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 31.A–F Dorceus fastuosus, female from Mashabim sand dunes, Israel (MR002, MR), scanning electron micrographs. A detail of spigots on left ALS B cribellum C detail cribellar spigots D trichobothrium, left tibia IV E calamistrum, left metatarsus IV F detail, calamistrum seta, left metatarsus IV. MAP major ampullate gland spigot PI piriform gland spigot.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 93.A–F, Stegodyphus sarasinorum from 7.5 km E PwintPhyu, Magway Division, Myanmar (CASENT 9019370, CAS), scanning electron micrographs. A–E female F male A epigynum, ventral view B vulva, dorsal view C vulva, dorsolateral view D detail of spermatheca E detail of spermathecal head F epiandrous gland spigots. FD fertilization duct ML median lobe S spermatheca SH spermathecal head.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 67.A–F Loureedia annulipes, female from Wadi Mashash, Negev, Israel (MR019, MR), scanning electron micrographs of spinnerets. A detail of spigots on right ALS B, C detail of spigots on left PMS D modified spigot and flanking aciniform gland spigots on left PLS E calamistrum, left metatarsus IV F detail, calamistrum seta, left metatarsus IV. Spigots in B thought to be a mixture of aciniform gland spigots and cylindrical gland spigots; unlabeled spigot in C thought to be either an aciniform gland spigot or a cylindrical gland spigot. AC aciniform gland spigot MAP major ampullate gland spigot mAP minor ampullate gland spigot MS modified spigot PI piriform gland spigot.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 82.A–F female Stegodyphus lineatus from Belkis, near Birecor, Turkey (MR015, MR), scanning electron micrographs of epigynum, vulva, and calamistrum. A epigynum, ventral view B vulva, dorsal view C right spermatheca and fertilization duct D right spermathecal head E calamistrum, left metatarsus IV F detail, calamistrum setae. FD fertilization duct ML median lobe; S spermatheca SH spermathecal head.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 3.A–I Habitus of living Stegodyphus, photographs. A–C Stegodyphus lineatus A adult female from Hurghada, Egypt B adult female from Negev desert, Israel (photo by Rudolf Macek) C adult female from Shoam, Israel (photo by Amir Weinstein) D juvenile Stegodyphus tibialis feeding on their mother, Dali, China (photo by Yang Zi-Zhong) E Stegodyphus mimosarum, male (black arrow), females and a kleptoparasite Archeodictyna (white arrow) F Stegodyphus mimosarum, mass attack on a carabid G a female Stegodyphus dumicola feeding her offsprings H a pompilid wasp larva feeds on a female Stegodyphus dumicola (photos E–H by Teresa Meikle) I Stegodyphus sp. female from ShweSettaw Wildlife Reservation, Myanmar (photo by Dong Lin).
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 4.A–L Retreats, webs, and habitus of living Eresidae, photographs. A Adonea fimbriata retreat on the ground from Sede Boqer, Israel (photo by Efrat Gavish-Regev) B Dresserus sp. retreat in the grass (photo by Charles Haddad) C Eresus walckenaeri retreat of juvenile from Ioannina, Greece (photo by Siegfried Huber) D–E Gandanameno sp. from west of Helmeringhausen Namibia (photos by Martin Forman) D Retreat on Acacia E female, with egg sac and various prey remnants F Gandanameno sp. femalefrom Amanzi Game Reserve, South Africa (photo by Tamás Szűts) G, H Seothyra sp. from Namibia G retreat under sand, showing the antelope track pattern H specimen and the exposed retreat (photos E–H, J, L by Teresa Meikle) I Loureedia annulipes, burrow from Sede Boqer, Israel (photo by Efrat Gavish-Regev) J–L Stegodyphus retreats J Stegodyphus dumicola from Spioenkop, South Africa K Stegodyphus lineatus from Tel-Hadid, Israel (photo by Amir Weinstein) L Stegodyphus mimosarum from Spioenkop, South Africa.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 47.A–P Gandanameno sp., habitus, photomicrographs. A–D male from Harare, Zimbabwe (AcAT 2005/123, NCA), images reversed E–H female from Hanover, South Africa (SAM-ENW-B006896/9958, SAM) I–L female from Iringa, Tanzania (ZMUC 19970530, ZMUC) M–P female from Eierfontein, South Africa (SAM-12823, SAM) A, E, I, M dorsal view B, F, J, N ventral view C, G, K, O anterior view D, H, L, P lateral view.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 89.A–J Stegodyphus sarasinorum from 7.5 km E PwintPhyu, Magway Division, Myanmar (CASENT 9019370, CAS). A–D, I–J male, images reversed E–H female A–D habitus of male, photomicrographs E–H habitus of female, photomicrographs I, J illustrations of left male palp A, E dorsal view B, F ventral view C, G anterior view D, H lateral view I prolateral view J retrolateral view. C conductor E embolus T tegulum.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 27.A–F Dorceus fastuosus from Mashabin Sand Dunes, Israel (MR006, HUJ), scanning electron micrographs of left male palp. A prolateral view B retrolateral view C detail of embolic division, prolateral view D ventral view E detail of embolic division, ventral view F palpal tibia, dorsal view. C conductor E embolus ST subtegulum T tegulum.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 55.A–F Gandanameno sp. from Harare, Zimbabwe (AcAT 2005/123, NCA), scanning electron micrographs, right male palp, images reversed to appear as left palp. A prolateral view B retrolateral view C ventral view D apical view E detail of distal tip of conductor F palpal tibia, dorsal view. C conductor E embolus ST subtegulum T tegulum.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 41.A–F Eresus walckenaeri from Kresna, Bulgaria (MR), scanning electron micrographs of right male palp, images reversed to appear as left palp. A prolateral view B retrolateral view C detail of embolic division, prolateral view D detail of embolic division, retrolateral view E apex of cymbium, ventral view F detail of embolic division, apical view. C conductor E embolus ST subtegulum T tegulum.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 90.A–F Stegodyphus sarasinorum male from 7.5 km E PwintPhyu, Magway Division, Myanmar (CASENT 9019370, CAS), scanning electron micrographs of right palp, images reversed to appear as left palp. A prolateral view B retrolateral view C ventral view D ventral-apical view E apical view F palpal tibia, dorsal view. C conductor E embolus ST subtegulum T tegulum.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 8.A–L Schematic illustrations of the carapace of assorted eresids A–D Adonea fimbriata E–H Dorceus fastuosus I–L Dresserus sp. A–B, E–F, I–J male C–D, G–H, K–L female A, C, E, G, I, K anterior view B, D, F, H, J, L dorsal view. Dashed line in I drawn tangential to the mesal margin of the PME does not intersect with the AME indicating median eyes separated on vertical axis. Dashed lines at posterior of carapace indicate uncertainty. Not to scale.
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
Figure 12.A–L Left male palpi of eresid species, photomicrographs. A–C Adonea fimbriata from Algeria-Morocco (MR012, MR) D–F Dorceus fastuosus from Mashabin Sand Dunes, Israel (MR006, HUJ) G–I Dresserus sp. from Manga Forest Reserve, Tanzania J–L Eresus walckenaeri from Leptokaryas, Greece (MR020, MR) A, D, G, J prolateral view B, E, K retrolateral view H ventral view C, F, I, L expanded palp. BH basal haematodocha MH median haematodocha.