
Description ( anglais )

fourni par Zookeys
Carapace brown, darker margin and through head region. Sternum dark brown. Legs with light brown femora, distal segments dark brown. Abdomen dark gray with 3-4 transverse rows of three light spots posteriorly, plus one dorsal light spot and one lateral spot on each side (Fig. 8A).
Vulva: Epigynum smooth, subtriangular with concave margins so medial part is more acute than lateral part. Central pit near anterior margin (Fig. 3E).
Female (CASENT 9016274): Total length 1.68, carapace 0.70 long, 0.67 wide, clypeus 0.15, sternum 0.44 long, 0.43 wide, coxa IV separated by 1.54 times their width. Posterior median eyes separated by about a third their diameter. Macrosetae: Leg I: patella d1, tibia d2, p1, r1; Leg II: patella d1, tibia d2, r1; Leg III: patella d1, tibia d1; Leg IV: patella d1, tibia d1. Metatarsal trichobothria: TmI: 0.19; TmII: 0.19; TmIII: 0.19. Leg measurements: see Appendix A.
Male unknown.
citation bibliographique
The symphytognathoid spiders of the Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China (Araneae, Araneoidea): Systematics and diversity of micro-orbweavers
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Distribution ( anglais )

fourni par Zookeys
Holotype: CHINA: Yunnan: Gaoligong Shan, Nujiang Prefecture: Nujiang State Nature Reserve, No. 12 Bridge Camp area, 16.3 airkm W of Gongshan, 27.715°N, 98.502°E, 2775 m, 15-19 July 2000, H.-M. Yan, D. Kavanaugh, C.E. Griswold, H.-B. Liang, D. Ubick, and D.-Z. Dong (CASENT 9016270, HNU), 1 ♀. Paratype: [same data as holotype] (CASENT 9016274, CAS), 1 ♀.
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