Stentor coeruleus Stentor coeruleus on Oedogonium. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Canon EOS 600D.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Stentor coeruleus auf Oedogonium. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium für tropische Fische. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Canon EOS 600D. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Stentor coeruleus on Oedogonium. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Canon EOS 600D.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Stentor coeruleus auf Oedogonium. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium für tropische Fische. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Canon EOS 600D. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Surface of a Stentor coeruleus near the adoral zone of membranelles. MTR = microtubular ribbons. The microtubule ribbons are crinkled, so the cell body doesnt have its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.The specimen was gathered in the pond Birkensee near Rödelsee (Lower Franconia, Germany). Sampling date 3/2020.Copyright Dr. Rainer Meisch, Würzburg, Germany.Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Canon DSLR Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). Place name: Pond Birkensee near Rödelsee (Lower Franconia, Germany) Latitude: 49.71819841 Longitude: 10.27807474 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. MTR = Mikrotubulibänder. Die Mikrotubulibänder erscheinen wellenförmig, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Probe aus dem Birkensee bei Rödelsee (Unterfranken). Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2020. Copyright Dr. Rainer Meisch, Würzburg. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Canon DSLR. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Surface of a Stentor coeruleus near the adoral zone of membranelles. MTR = microtubular ribbons. The microtubule ribbons are crinkled, so the cell body doesnt have its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.The specimen was gathered in the pond Birkensee near Rödelsee (Lower Franconia, Germany). Sampling date 3/2020.Copyright Dr. Rainer Meisch, Würzburg, Germany.Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Canon DSLR Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). Place name: Pond Birkensee near Rödelsee (Lower Franconia, Germany) Latitude: 49.71819841 Longitude: 10.27807474 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. MTR = Mikrotubulibänder. Die Mikrotubulibänder erscheinen wellenförmig, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Probe aus dem Birkensee bei Rödelsee (Unterfranken). Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2020. Copyright Dr. Rainer Meisch, Würzburg. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Canon DSLR. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus, BC = buccal cavity. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus, BC = Buccalhöhle. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus, BC = buccal cavity. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus, BC = Buccalhöhle. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus, BC = buccal cavity. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus, BC = Buccalhöhle. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus The light elliptical vacuoles arranged as a perl-necklace depict the macro nucleus of Stentor coeruleus. Collected from littoral region of a eutropic rain storage reservoir near Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany). Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond Demühlen, rain storage reservoir in Kiel-Russee (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) Latitude: 54.304095 Longitude: 10.086073 Die hellen elliptischen Vakuolen, arrangiert als Perlenkette, stellen den Makronucleus von Stentor coeruleus dar. Probe aus einem Regenrückhaltebeckens in der Nähe von Kiel. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus, BC = buccal cavity. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus, BC = Buccalhöhle. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus The time lapse sequence with a period length of appr. 4 seconds shows process of defecation. Frame 2 shows the opening cytoproct with intact defecation vacuole membrane. At frame 3 defecation vacuole membrane has opened to release the waste. At frame 5 and 6 we see states of the slowly closing cytoproct. Collected from littoral region of a eutropic rain storage reservoir near Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany). Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond Demühlen, rain storage reservoir in Kiel-Russee (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) Latitude: 54.304095 Longitude: 10.086073 Die Zeitraffer-Sequenz mit einer Periodenlänge von ca. 4 Sekunden zeigt den Prozess der Defäkation (Ausscheidung von Reststoffen). Bild 2 zeigt den sich öffnenden Cytoproct (Zellafter) mit intakter Defäkationsvakuolen-Membran. Bei Bild 3 ist die Defäkationsvakuole geöffnet, um den Abfall auszustoßen. Bei Bild 5 und 6 sehen wir Zustände des sich langsam schließenden Cytoproct. Probe aus einem Regenrückhaltebeckens in der Nähe von Kiel. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Surface of a Stentor coeruleus near the adoral zone of membranelles. MTR = microtubular ribbons. The microtubule ribbons are crinkled, so the cell body doesnt have its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.The specimen was gathered in the pond Birkensee near Rödelsee (Lower Franconia, Germany). Sampling date 3/2020.Copyright Dr. Rainer Meisch, Würzburg, Germany.Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Canon DSLR Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). Place name: Pond Birkensee near Rödelsee (Lower Franconia, Germany) Latitude: 49.71819841 Longitude: 10.27807474 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. MTR = Mikrotubulibänder. Die Mikrotubulibänder erscheinen wellenförmig, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Probe aus dem Birkensee bei Rödelsee (Unterfranken). Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2020. Copyright Dr. Rainer Meisch, Würzburg. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Canon DSLR. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus, BC = buccal cavity. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus, BC = Buccalhöhle. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus, BC = buccal cavity. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus, BC = Buccalhöhle. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus A series of optical transverse sections through the vestibulum of Stentor coeruleus, the oral cavity, and the peristome. Collected from littoral region of a eutropic rain storage reservoir near Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany). Images were taken using Zeiss Universal with Olympus C7070 CCD camera.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Pond Demühlen, rain storage reservoir in Kiel-Russee (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) Latitude: 54.304095 Longitude: 10.086073 Eine Reihe von optischen Querschnitten durch das Vestibulum, die Mundhöhle und das Peristom von Stentor coeruleus. Probe aus einem Regenrückhaltebeckens in der Nähe von Kiel. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Universal, Kamera: Olympus C7070. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Stentor coeruleus on Oedogonium. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Canon EOS 600D.Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Stentor coeruleus auf Oedogonium. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium für tropische Fische. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Canon EOS 600D. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus, BC = buccal cavity. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus, BC = Buccalhöhle. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Surface of a Stentor coeruleus near the adoral zone of membranelles. MTR = microtubular ribbons. The microtubule ribbons are crinkled, so the cell body doesnt have its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.The specimen was gathered in the pond Birkensee near Rödelsee (Lower Franconia, Germany). Sampling date 3/2020.Copyright Dr. Rainer Meisch, Würzburg, Germany.Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Canon DSLR Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). Place name: Pond Birkensee near Rödelsee (Lower Franconia, Germany) Latitude: 49.71819841 Longitude: 10.27807474 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. MTR = Mikrotubulibänder. Die Mikrotubulibänder erscheinen wellenförmig, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Probe aus dem Birkensee bei Rödelsee (Unterfranken). Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2020. Copyright Dr. Rainer Meisch, Würzburg. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Canon DSLR. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus, BC = buccal cavity. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus, BC = Buccalhöhle. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Stentor coeruleus Tomographical cross-sections through a Stentor coeruleus. AZR = adoral zone of membranelles, MTR = microtubular ribbons, Ma = moniliform macronucleus, BC = buccal cavity. The microtubule ribbons are fully outstretched to give the cell body its maximum size. On the physiology of the microtubular ribbons see Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Scale bar indicates 50 µm. Sample from a tropical freshwater aquarium. Sampling date 3/2021. The image was built up using several photomicrographic frames with manual stacking technique. Images were taken using Zeiss Axioplan with Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Image under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). Place name: Tropical freshwater aquarium Latitude: 54.3018013 Longitude: 10.07120132 Tomographische Schnittbilder durch einen Stentor coeruleus. AZR = Adorale Membranellenzone, MTR = Mikrotubulibänder, Ma = perlschnurartiger Makronukleus, BC = Buccalhöhle. Die Mikrotubulibänder sind vollkommen durchgestreckt, im den Zellkörper die maximale Größe zu verleihen. Zur Physiologie der Mikrotubulibänder vergleiche Hausmann/Hülsmann/Radek Protistology 3rd ed, Stuttgart, 2003.Multiebenen-Abbildung, manuell gestapelt. Der Messbalken markiert eine Länge von 50 µm. Probe aus einem Süßwasseraquarium. Datum der Aufsammlung: 3/2021. Mikrotechnik: Zeiss Axioplan, Kamera: Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA). For permission to use of (high-resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.
Ribadelago de Franco, Castille and Leon, Spain