Comprehensive Description
fourni par Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Clavichorema pescaderum
This species appears to be a member of the C. trancasicum group, closest to C. chiloeanum Schmid. From this species it differs in the shape of the paracercus and the claspers and even more so in the structure of the aedeagus, which lacks the long apicoventral lobes, the hirsute mesal lobe, and the elongate, apically erect, dorsal process.
ADULT.—Length of forewing, 6 mm. Color brown, legs slightly paler; forewing uniformly brown. Fifth sternum with an elongate anterolateral process; eighth sternum with a broad posteromesal process almost twice as long as eighth sternum.
Male Genitalia: Ninth sternum lacking posteromesal process. Tenth tergum mostly membranous, ventral surface sclerotized, a transverse sclerite near base dorsally, with a rounded basolateral lobe. Paracercus terete, apex slightly enlarged, bearing short, spinous setae. Filicercus terete, semi-erect. Cercus a small, button-like lobe. Clasper 2-segmented; basal segment elongate, broad, inner face with 2 areas of short, enlarged setae along ventral margin; apical segment elongate, narrow, tip somewhat hooked mesad, inner face with a row of short, enlarged setae. Aedeagus with a short, tubular base; apex dorsally with a pair of heavily sclerotized, trianguloid plates with a small spine between them basally, ventrolateral angles hooked ventrad, not elongate, with a ventromesal plate, the apex of which is bifid and slightly asymmetrical.
MATERIAL.—Holotype (male): CHILE, PCIA. OSORNO, Parque Nacional Puyehue, Río Pescadero, 7 Feb 1978, C.M. and O.S. Flint, Jr., USNM Type 100467.
Paratype: Same data as holotype, 1.
To the four previously described species, the following is added with many misgivings; however, the only alternative is the establishment of another, rather weak, monotypic genus, to which I am opposed. Although the venation of N. paradoxicum is rather similar to N. sinuatum Schmid, it lacks the crossvein between R3 and R4 but instead has a depigmented line in this area and has other minor differences in the proportionate lengths of the forks and their pedicels; however, the basic manner of branching in both wings is the same throughout the genus. The adults are very rarely encountered; I have not collected any.
The immature stages are undescribed and are not known to be present in my collections.
- citation bibliographique
- Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1983. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, XXXIII: New Species from Austral South America (Trichoptera)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-100.