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Português do Brasil
noms dans le fil d’Ariane
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Português do Brasil
noms dans le fil d’Ariane
Organismes Cellulaires
Chrysomyxa rhododendri (DC.) de Bary 1879
vue d’ensemble
have host
tout afficher
are pathogens of
geographic distribution
have host
invasive in
number of records in gbif
trophic guild
type specimen repository
have host
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kaempferi Planch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kaempferi Planch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron aureum subsp. aureum
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kiusianum Makino
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron myrtifolium Schott & Kotschy
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kaempferi Planch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron aureum subsp. aureum
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kaempferi Planch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron dauricum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron campylogynum Franch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) Wahlenb.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron columbianum (Piper) Harmaja
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kaempferi Planch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Pieris japonica (Thunb.) D. Don ex G. Don
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron aureum subsp. aureum
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron myrtifolium Schott & Kotschy
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies var. abies
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kaempferi Planch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron brachycarpum subsp. fauriei (Franch.) Chamberlain
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron myrtifolium Schott & Kotschy
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies var. abies
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron dauricum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron pruniflorum Hutchinson & F. K. Ward
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies var. abies
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron groenlandicum (Oeder) K. A. Kron & W. S. Judd (thé du Labrador)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kiusianum Makino
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron columbianum (Piper) Harmaja
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron aureum Georgi
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies var. abies
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kiusianum Makino
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kaempferi Planch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kiusianum Makino
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron macrosepalum Maxim.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kaempferi Planch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kaempferi Planch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron keleticum I. B. Balf. & Forrest
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron oldhamii Maxim.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hippophaeoides I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron aureum subsp. aureum
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kiusianum Makino
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kiusianum Makino
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carrière (épinette de Sitka)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea koraiensis Nakai
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron myrtifolium Schott & Kotschy
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea asperata Mast.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron simsii Planch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron decorum Franch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) Wahlenb.
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) Wahlenb.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron wardii W. W. Sm.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron oldhamii Maxim.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron faberi Hemsl.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies var. abies
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron columbianum (Piper) Harmaja
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) Wahlenb.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kiusianum Makino
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea jezoensis (Siebold & Zucc.) Carrière
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum (Boiss. & Reuter) Hand.-Mazz.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron campylogynum Franch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carrière (épinette de Sitka)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron pruniflorum Hutchinson & F. K. Ward
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron kaempferi Planch.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron dauricum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (Laurier-rose des Alpes)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron keleticum I. B. Balf. & Forrest
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hirsutum L.
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. (Épicéa commun)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron groenlandicum (Oeder) K. A. Kron & W. S. Judd (thé du Labrador)
Global Biotic Interactions
Abies alba Mill. (Sapin blanc)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron hippophaeoides I. B. Balf. & W. W. Sm.
Global Biotic Interactions
Picea obovata Ledeb. (Épicéa de Sibérie)
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhododendron obtusum (Lindl.) Planch.