Tamaragua, Islas Canarias, Espaa
Tamaragua, Islas Canarias, Espaa
San Mateo, Cagayan Valley, Philippines
Big Hammock SP
"When cold or paired, the bright blue of the male's thorax will look black. St. Mary's River. Folkston
Big Hammock SP
Big Hammock SP
Big Hammock SP
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Groveton, Virginia, United States
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Gamboa, Colon, Panama
Ischnura elegans mating.
Karavasta National Park. Albania.
Hainburg, Hesse, Germany
2010.07.23 N Gnserndorf (bayou, 150 m AMSL).German name: Grosse Pechlibelle
Luffness House, Scotland, United Kingdom
Karavasta National Park, Albania.
Portree, Scotland, United Kingdom
Etang de Mer Rouge. La Brenne, France
Karavasta National Park, Albania.
Cherine Reserve. La Brenne, France
Fodhele, Crete, Greece