on roadside wall, at base of silty alluvial terrace slope just above Rio Batopilas
on flats of silty clayish soils with mixed limestone/volcanic rhyolite gravels over white Cretaceous limestone substrate.
on flats of silty clayish soils with mixed limestone/volcanic rhyolite gravels over white Cretaceous limestone substrate.
on flats of silty clayish soils with mixed limestone/volcanic rhyolite gravels over white Cretaceous limestone substrate.
on flats of silty clayish soils with mixed limestone/volcanic rhyolite gravels over white Cretaceous limestone substrate.
view in habitat with Larrea-Fouquieria scrub on volcanic rhyolite flowstone
2002 California Academy of Sciences
2007 California Academy of Sciences
trailing annual on low exposure of silty, calcareous, gypsophilic clays outcropping in degraded grassland on generally flat plain of limestone gravels and calcareous soil
trailing annual on low exposure of silty, calcareous, gypsophilic clays outcropping in degraded grassland on generally flat plain of limestone gravels and calcareous soil
grassy roadside in sandy/silty basin soil with Asclepias brachystephana, Cucurbita digitata, Dalea lanata v. glaberrima, Desmanthus cooleyi, Senna bauhinioides
grassy roadside in sandy/silty basin soil with Asclepias brachystephana, Cucurbita digitata, Dalea lanata v. glaberrima, Desmanthus cooleyi, Senna bauhinioides
On gravels of roadside cut bank in volcanic soil of degraded semi-arid grassland invaded by desert scrub.
On gravels of roadside cut bank in volcanic soil of degraded semi-arid grassland invaded by desert scrub.
On gravels of roadside cut bank in volcanic soil of degraded semi-arid grassland invaded by desert scrub.
roadside on silty gyp-saline soil. Population approaches K. hirstissima
roadside on silty gyp-saline soil. Population approaches K. hirstissima
plants on an open exposed rockface of gypseous limestone on a foothill of the NW edge of the Sierra Parras, with Anulocaulis eriosolenus, Senegalia crassifolia, Acleisanthes angustifolia, Opuntia rufida, Agave asperrima,Jatropha dioica.