Den geografiske have, Kolding, Danmark
Den Jyske Skovhave, Rold Skov
Botanisk Have Århus
Jardin des Plantes, Paris
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Augsburger Rd., Bluffton, Allen County, Ohio, US
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Figure 3.
General view of habit and flowers: A, BH.ermenekenseC, DH.myrtifolium.
Species: Zanthoxylum capense (Thunb.) Harv. Date: 2007-12-23 Location: Maleme Dam camp site Habitat: Woodland at base of rocky hill
Species: Ptaeroxylon obliquum (Thunb.) Radlk. Date: 2007-12-22 Location: Maleme Dam camp Habitat: Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland
Species: Harrisonia abyssinica Oliv. Date: 2006-11-08 Location: Along road 2, Gorongosa National Park Habitat: Deciduous woodland.
Hus Randers
Væksthuset, Botanisk Have, Århus
Den geografiske have, Kolding, Danmark
Den Jyske Skovhave, Rold Skov
Botanisk Have Århus
Jardin des Plantes, Paris
Hobro, Jylland, Danmark
Augsburger Rd., Bluffton, Allen County, Ohio, US
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Figure 4.
Capsules, AH.ermenekenseBH.myrtifolium.
Species: Zanthoxylum capense (Thunb.) Harv. Date: 2007-12-23 Location: Maleme Dam camp site Habitat: Woodland at base of rocky hill
Species: Ptaeroxylon obliquum (Thunb.) Radlk. Date: 2007-12-22 Location: Maleme Dam camp Habitat: Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland
Species: Harrisonia abyssinica Oliv. Date: 2006-11-08 Location: Along road 2, Gorongosa National Park Habitat: Deciduous woodland.