Photograph of Asclepias viridiflora.
Photograph of Asclepias viridiflora.
Close-up/Fertile image, KVN573-F, USBG Production Facility, GGI Gardens Project
Strong, M. T., 6075. Habit: habit. Allamanda blanchetii.
Strong, M. T., 6075. Habit: habit. Allamanda blanchetii.
Photograph of Allamanda blanchetii.
Habit image, KVN573-H, USBG Production Facility, GGI Gardens Project
Odontadenia macrantha (Apocynaceae) based on Acevedo 14589 from Suriname. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Photograph of Mandevilla sp.
Odontadenia macrantha (Apocynaceae) based on Acevedo 14589 from Suriname. Photo by P. Acevedo.
Odontadenia macrantha (Apocynaceae) delete
Forsteronia floribunda (Apocynaceae) Based on Acevedo 11977 from Jamaica.
Forsteronia floribunda (Apocynaceae) Based on Acevedo 11977 from Jamaica.
Flower image. Strong, M. T. 5428. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge. North side of Refuge Visitors Drive, ca. 0.85 air km NW of Lake Bee, GGI Gardens Project 2018
Strong, M. T., 5959. Habit: habit. Asclepias tuberosa var. rolfsii.
Habit image. Strong, M. T. 5428. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge. North side of Refuge Visitors Drive, ca. 0.85 air km NW of Lake Bee, GGI Gardens Project 2018
Strong, M. T., 5959. Habit: flowers. Asclepias tuberosa var. rolfsii.
Strong, M. T., 6105. Habit: flowers. Asclepias tuberosa var. rolfsii.
Strong, M. T., 6105. Habit: habit. Asclepias tuberosa var. rolfsii.
Photograph of Calotropis procera