Species: Cheilanthes viridis (Forssk.) Sw. var. glauca (Sim) Schelpe & N.C. Anthony Date: 2014-02-01 Location: Besna Kobila Habitat: Rocky area near chalets
Species: Cheilanthes viridis (Forssk.) Sw. var. glauca (Sim) Schelpe & N.C. Anthony Date: 2012-01-08 Location: Path from entrance gate to Great Enclosure, Great Zimbabwe Habitat: Open woodland, full sun in grass and amongst rocks
Species: Cheilanthes viridis (Forssk.) Sw. var. glauca (Sim) Schelpe & N.C. Anthony Date: 2012-01-08 Location: Path from entrance gate to Great Enclosure, Great Zimbabwe Habitat: Open woodland, full sun in grass and amongst rocks
Species: Cheilanthes viridis (Forssk.) Sw. var. glauca (Sim) Schelpe & N.C. Anthony Date: 2012-01-10 Location: Muturikwi CL, Muray MacDonald Drive Habitat: Full sun, on whalebacks
Species: Cheilanthes viridis (Forssk.) Sw. var. glauca (Sim) Schelpe & N.C. Anthony Date: 2012-01-07 Location: Near the lodges, close to the lake, Lake Kyle Recreational Park Habitat: Rocky miombo woodland, amongst rocks in dappled shade to sun
Species: Cheilanthes viridis (Forssk.) Sw. var. glauca (Sim) Schelpe & N.C. Anthony Date: 2012-01-07 Location: Near the lodges, close to the lake, Lake Kyle Recreational Park Habitat: Rocky miombo woodland, amongst rocks in dappled shade to sun
Species: Cheilanthes viridis (Forssk.) Sw. var. glauca (Sim) Schelpe & N.C. Anthony Date: 2013-01-04 Location: Nyanga area Habitat: Open rocky woodland, among rocks in light shade
Species: Cheilanthes viridis (Forssk.) Sw. var. glauca (Sim) Schelpe & N.C. Anthony Date: 2013-01-04 Location: Nyanga area Habitat: Open rocky woodland, among rocks in light shade