Image de alchémille à tige filiforme
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Alchémille à Tige Filiforme

Alchemilla filicaulis Buser

Comprehensive Description ( anglais )

fourni par North American Flora
Alchemilla filicaulis Buser, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 1 :
App. 2 : 22. 1893.
Perennial, with a creeping rootstock ; stems 1-3, ascending or decumbent, 1-3 dm. high, slender, hirsute with spreading hairs, becoming yellowish in age ; basal leaves long-petioled ; stipules usually wine-color, lanceolate, entire ; petioles 3-10 cm. long, hirsute ; leaf-blades reniform, 3-9 cm. broad, rather thick, plane, with 7-9 rounded lobes, bright-green above, paler beneath, turning somewhat yellowish in age, hairy on both sides or glabrate beneath ; teeth a little longer than broad, ovate, cuspidate ; stipules of the stem-leaves
rounded, connate and adnate to the petiole or leaf -blade, provided with coarse ovate teeth ;
inflorescence partly subumbellate ; hypanthiutn at first obconic, in age urceolate, about 2
mm. long, at least of the lower flowers pubescent with scattered hairs ; pedicels about the
length of the flowers ; bractlets lanceolate, nearly as long as the triangular-ovate acute
sepals, which are about 1 mm. long ; filaments very short.
Type locality : Switzerland.
Distribution : Mountains of western Europe, Scandinavia, Iceland, Greenland, Labrador, and Newfoundland.
citation bibliographique
Per Axel Rydberg. 1908. ROSACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 22(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora