This is the fruiting bodies of a moss growing near Tucson, Arizona. It was going amoung rocks in the Sonoran Desert below Cactus.
Roccamorice, Abruzzi, Italy
Ingliston, Victoria, Australia
Ingliston, Victoria, Australia
Ingliston, Victoria, Australia
Ingliston, Victoria, Australia
Zeeland, Netherlands
Zeeland, Netherlands
Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden
Paluma, Queensland, Australia
Dalrymple Creek, Queensland, Australia
Montes de Torrero: Zaragoza.Divisin:Bryophyta Clase:BryopsidaOrden:Pottiales Familia:PottiaceaeDistribucin: Musgo de las regiones boreales y de las montaas tropicales, en reas de muy ocenicas a bastante continentales, cosmopolita.En la Pennsula Ibrica est presente en Espaa y en Portugal, repartido por prcticamente todo el territorio, enrarecindose slo en las regiones ms hmedas. Hbito: Musgo acrocarpo.Hbitat: Terrcola, en suelos poco orgnicos, puede formar grandes cspedes, en claros de bosques abiertos (quejigales, carrascales, pinares de Pinus sylvestris y de P. halepensis, sabinares de Juniperus thurifera en la Depresin del Ebro), en matorrales (romerales, coscojares, aulagares) y en albardinares y pastos secos sobre substratos calcreos o ligeramente cidos.Altitudes: 300- 1400 mEstrategia vital: Perenne competitivoPiso Bioclimtico:Pirineo Montano. Dep. Ebro y Sist. IbericoMesomediterrneoSupramediterrneoDatos reproductivos:Sexualidad: DioicoFertilidad:Sin esporfitosPropagacin vegetativa por estructuras especializadas:NoRangos ecolgicos:Sustrato: Basfilo.Temperatura: Termfilo.Humedad: Xerfilo.Impacto humano: En ambientes con impacto humano de nulo a moderado.Luz: Fotfilo.Extractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)
This was one of three Syntrichia species collected by Brent Mishler from near Highway 20 in Lake County and photographed by me soon after its collection. March 30th 2012, image I12-0217
Tully, Queensland, Australia
Tully, Queensland, Australia
Tully, Queensland, Australia
The moss with very long hair points to the leaves (including the plant with the green capsule) is Crossidium squamiferum. Also present are Bryum argenteum (eg near the top, left of center, and the silvery plants to the right of the Crossidium patch); Aloina sp. (two plants with narrow, dark green leaves with incurved margins towards the upper right) and many plants with triangular yellow green leaves that I'm guessing are a Didymodon species (possibly also a second species with larger leaves) - comments welcome. Photographed in situ on a steep south-facing open grassy bank with rock outcrops, in a small valley just west of the north branch of Cache Creek south of where it crosses Highway 20, Lake County, California. March 30th 2012, Image I12-0251
Pterygoneurum ovatum habitat.Feb. 4, 2012, Salt Lake County, Bonneville Shoreline terraces, approx. 4900 ft. elev., growing on a small boulder, primarily quartz
Pterygoneurum ovatum. Another common name is Oval-leaved Pottia.Feb. 4, 2012, Salt Lake County, Bonneville Shoreline terraces, approx. 4900 ft. elev., growing on a small boulder, primarily quartz
Pterygoneurum ovatum. Another common name is Oval-leaved Pottia.The second of two plants on an otherwise barren quartz outcrop expanse somehow surviving despite a southwestern exposure (unusual for moss, and difficult for most species). As the plants become dessicated as here, the leaves become very dark and almost black and difficult to see because of the long white awns.The calyptras are usually cucullate but can also be mitrate. The capsules are eperistomate as shown.March 10, 2012, Mt. Olympus foothills, Salt Lake County, Utah about 4,960 ft. elev.
Pterygoneurum ovatum. Another common name is Oval-leaved Pottia.One of two plants on an otherwise barren quartz outcrop expanse somehow surviving despite a southwestern exposure (unusual for moss, and difficult for most species). As the plants become dessicated as here, the leaves become very dark and almost black and difficult to see because of the long awns.The calyptras are usually cucullate but can also be mitrate. The capsules are eperistomate.March 10, 2012, Mt. Olympus foothills, Salt Lake County, Utah about 4,960 ft. elev.
Damper Creek, Queensland, Australia
Mount Elliot, Queensland, Australia
Damper Creek, Queensland, Australia