Staminate plant
Staminate plant
Staminate plant
Staminate plant
Staminate plant
Staminate plant
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Junction of Cottonwood Canyon and Cuyama Valley. Looking north across Cuyama Valley at badland areas in south slopes of Caliente Range. Note formation of Atriplex polycarpa and Atriplex canescens in valley., T 11 N R 28 W Quad name: McKittrick. Quad number: 134. Reference to map: 10.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Reno Quadrangle, Nevada. Atriplex confertifolia on typical aspect of Clark's Station., T 20 N R 22 E Sec 26, Elevation 4500 Quad name: Reno. Quad number: N-60. Reference to map: 17.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Reno Quadrangle, Nevada. Typical Atriplex confertifolia type with Bromus tectorum., T 20 N R 22 E Sec 26, Elevation 4500 Quad name: Reno. Quad number: N-60. Reference to map: 17.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Reno Quadrangle, Nevada. Looking northwest Atriplex confertifolia in foreground, Sarcobatus baileyi in swale and Atriplex with Bromus tectorum on scab land beyond., T 20 N R 22 E Sec 26, Elevation 6500 Quad name: Reno. Quad number: N-60. Reference to map: 18.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Reno Quadrangle, Nevada. Looking north across typical Atriplex confertifolia- Bromus tectorum mixture., T 20 N R 22 E Sec 26, Elevation 4500-5500 Quad name: Reno. Quad number: N-60. Reference to map: 19.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Reno Quadrangle, Nevada. Looking north northeast across typical Atriplex confertifolia formation. Considerable Bromus tectorum in type due to a comparatively wet weather season. Slopes are scab land practically barren due to lava rock outcrop and talus slope., T 20 N R 22 E Sec 26, Elevation 4500-6500 Quad name: Reno. Quad number: N-60. Reference to map: 18.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Two and one half miles north of Cuyama Ranch. Panorama looking northeast and north. Shows badland area in Caliente Range. Shrub growth: Atriplex polycarpa, Gutierrezia sarothrae (=Gutierrezia sarothroides), Ephedra californica. In wet years like 1935, herbaceous vegetation is abundant and 1 to 2 feet high. In 1936, a dry year, the vegetation was practically absent., T 10 N R 26 W Sec 3 Quad name: Santa Ynez. Quad number: 156. Reference to map: 31.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking northwest across Bitterwater Creek toward Temblor Range from point on Elkhorn road. Shows Atriplex polycarpa formation and badland conditions on steep slopes., T 11 N R 24 W Sec 21 Quad name: Buena Vista Lake. Quad number: 135. Reference to map: 1.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Head of Bitterwater Creek. Looking southeast. Shows Atriplex polycarpa grass type., T 11 N R 24 W Sec 28 Quad name: Buena Vista Lake. Quad number: 135.